Putting new policies and programs together can be excruciating. Trying to figure out how to put together a wellness program for employees is now one of the highest priorities for employers. Even 75% of Human Resources employees report that employee wellness programs are now high on their lists.
It can seem daunting, confusing, and unclear what needs to happen in order for a wellness program to be put into place. With 2023 in full swing, here at WellSteps, we have crafted the easiest wellness programs for employees that you can implement right away.

WellSteps Launch: Off the Shelf Easiest Wellness Program for Employees
WellSteps Launch is a turn-key system that is all ready to go for your organization. After helping hundreds of companies for over a decade design and grow successful wellness programs, we’ve put together the best starting point for you.
Will all of the same benefits as starting from the ground up, you’ll be able to get things rolling without any wasted time or wondering what will work well. All of your employees will have increased health and wellness benefits while you don’t have to add any extra stress on your team.
It doesn’t matter how small or large your organization is. The Launch program can be adapted to any company size and still maintains essential pieces to get your people the best wellness results in the same amount of time.
All of your employees will have increased health and wellness benefits while you don’t have to add any extra stress on your team.
How WellSteps Launch Works For You
The Launch wellness program for employees has already been built for you and can be joined at the beginning of every quarter throughout the year. We have taken the most common and popular pieces of our best performing wellness programs and put them into Launch.
With all of the systems, tracking, challenges, and campaigns already in place, all you have to do is provide your company directory and choose prizes and rewards you want to give your people. That’s it! We create accounts for all of your employees and just plug them into the system.

You’ll have a well-rounded program that runs every quarter of the year with evidence based campaigns and systems. We take care of maintaining and tracking all of your data with full confidentiality and security. It truly is the easiest wellness program for employees.
RELATED: Learn More About Our Behavior Change Campaigns Here
Highlights of the WellSteps Launch Wellness Program for Employees
- Fully comprehensive annual program that is completed in quarterly cycles.
- An online dashboard and program center, with a digital app for every employee.
- Tracking tools that reward activity and provide incentives for participants.
- Four behavior change campaigns for maximum impact.
- Enjoyable game based challenges for teams or departments and individuals.
- Specialized My Tracker that can sync up to wearable devices to track healthy behaviors and goals.
- Community engagement areas for social interactions and leader-boards.
How to Get Started
If this sounds like something you’d like to Launch into your company’s new year, just take the next step and contact us. We can get all of your questions answered.
It doesn’t matter if you’re new to company wellness programs, or well experienced and want to make a change. Contact us today on getting your best wellness program for employees setup quickly and easily. We’re here for you!

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