Workpod Minisode: Rapidfire with Courtney Abraham

0 In this video, Courtney Abraham, Chief People Officer at GE Current, indulges in a quick question and answer session on random topics revolving around work. To watch the full podcast of Courtney Abraham follow us on: STAY CONNECTEDSubscribe to see more videos like this: Website: Twitter: Podcast:iTunes: YouTube:

Workpod Minisode: Challenging the status quo

0 Every organization is run by processes and procedures that are put in place for efficiency and control over the workforce. But these processes are evolving in nature. Challenging the well established way of functioning is a step towards bringing in positive changes in your organization.Thibault Manekin, author of "Larger than yourself", talks about some of the strategies one can...

WorkPod: Building Equitable Workforce With Intentioning

0 In this session, Gloria Feldt, Co-founder and president of Take The Lead, talks about her experience in managing and promoting a diverse workplace. She also talks about her best selling book, Intentioning, explaining some of the important concepts therein. Gloria Feldt is an acclaimed expert on women, power, and leadership with frontline leadership experience, a bestselling author, and an...

Workpod Minisode: Leading through crises

0 Leaders aren't supposed to show vulnerability or any form of weakness as a general rule. But very often they are faced with an unfamiliar crisis situation and they must come up with new ways to deal with the inner and outer battles.In this video, Patrick Touhey, author of "Create Forever Teammates", provides useful tips on how leaders can cope...

Workpod Minisode: Understanding elite performance

0 Performance success is often looked at from a numbers perspective but this concept is going through a rapid revision. Employees, employers and organizations are now being judged by the state of wellbeing and the individual development.In this video, Patrick Touhey, author of "Create Forever Teammates", talks about his work on creating elite performance and his experience in working with...

Workpod Minisode: Leading through high performance

0 Success isn't how much you can do it yourself. Leaders are often not natural delegators. The fear of losing control and lack of trust are one of the few reasons why they fail to delegate work.In this video, Patrick Touhey, author of "Create Forever Teammates", touches upon some of the key barriers of delegation that leaders must overcome. To watch...

Workpod Minisode: Rapidfire with Patrick Touhey

0 In this video, Patrick Touhey, author of "Create Forever Teammates", indulges with us on a fun, quick session of question and answers on work related topics. To watch the full podcast of Frankie Russo follow us on: STAY CONNECTEDSubscribe to see more videos like this: Website: Twitter: Podcast:iTunes: YouTube:

Workpod Minisode: Cracking the art of team dynamics

0 Nobody achieves success alone. There's a whole machinery of people behind the efficient functioning of an organization.In this video, Patrick Touhey, author of "Create Forever Teammates", talks about the art and importance of building great relationships in the workplace. To watch the full podcast of Frankie Russo follow us on: STAY CONNECTEDSubscribe to see more videos like this: Website: Twitter: Podcast:iTunes:

Workpod Minisode: Understanding growth through “why”

0 Is there a need for a pause, a reflection when all's going well? When the numbers are good in a business? The answer is a resounding yes!In this video, Frankie Russo, author of "Breaking Why", delivers a powerful argument on why it's indispensable to carry the attitude of "why" at every moment of our worklife. To watch the full podcast...

Workpod Minisode: Doing DEI right with story telling

0 Despite so much effort in the last decade the workplace still suffers from a low representation of women and people of color. DEI through story telling in a novel way to make the subdued voices heard.In this video, Nassim Abdi, CEO and Co-founder of StoryBolt, explains how storytelling can impact DEI positively. To watch the full podcast of Nassim Abdi...