

You know that saying about life being counted not by the number of breaths you take but the moments that take your breath away? This Ezines Expert just had one, receiving a nomination for an award in the Best Creative Resume category of the Career Directors International (CDI) annual Toast of the Resume Industry (TORI) competition.

Much of the credit belongs to mentor Laura DeCarlo, director of CDI, who offered coaching and mentoring before the award entries were due.

Having been in the career industry for more than 10 years, this coach knew how to write a resume before her mentoring. Clients land interviews with Workwrite documents all the time, but Laura taught practical tips for content and design that made the resumes even more effective. The nomination would have been unlikely without her guiding hand and wonderful sense of humor.

Mentoring leads to your success, too

Mentoring can also be one of the secrets to a successful job search and career. Just as Laura’s mentoring nudged resume writing to new levels, mentoring from a career coach can put your job search or career change on the fast track.

You can talk with your friends and colleagues about changing positions, and they’ll likely support and encourage you; however:

  • Will they hold you accountable?
  • Can they advise you on effective techniques for your job search?
  • Do they know how to help you prepare for a tough interview?
  • Can they help you do the planning so essential for salary negotiations?

Friends, family, and business associates are not your best source of education and guidance about a subject in which they are not expert, but about which they do have an agenda. They love you, in the case of friends and family, and business associates are likely to at least want to keep you around – or not; either way, it’s an agenda.

Like a mentor, a career coach’s only job is to prepare you for your next career move. No agenda, no hidden motives, no extra baggage.

Contact a career coach or resume writer today for guidance and mentoring through proven techniques to increase your success. Look for a career coach who has a mentor. They’ve likely learned well.

Copyright 2010: Jeri Hird Dutcher, Permission to republish with attribution.


Source by Jeri Hird Dutcher
