Will Robots Take Over Jobs?


This is the third and final article of a three part series on Autism and Technology. Our focus here is to spotlight a very controversial area which has the potential to impact the lives of millions around the globe. That is, job creation and ultimately will robots replace human workers in the job market of the future. What role...

Burnout and Its Organizational Effects: A Study on Literature Review


1. Introduction Burnout is a prolonged response to chronic emotional and interpersonal stressors on the job, and is defined by the three dimensions of exhaustion, cynicism, and inefficacy. The past 25 years of research has established the complexity of the construct, and places the individual stress experience within a larger organizational context of people's relation to their work. Recently, the...

10 Sample Interview Questions For Teens


Everyone gets a little tongue tied answering job interview questions...Most adults dread going on job interviews. So can you imagine how nerve-wracking it is for your teen-ager at his very first job interview?One of the best things you can do to prepare your teen (or even yourself!) for an interview is to hold a "mock interview" at home.That's why...

Change Management Strategies – How Managers Can Add More Value


At 10.50am on the 29th of November 2005 Matthew, my youngest son was born. He was seven weeks premature and weighed only four lbs. Denise had to go into the operating theatre so I was alone at the side of Matthew's incubator feeling scared and helpless. He was crying, so in an effort to try to do something I...

Stress – Simple Tips To Reduce Stress Quickly & Easily


We all know the word stress and most of us know when we are being stressed, but do you know the symptoms that show you are over stressed?If you do, and can spot them early and there are some exercises and techniques explained below that can let you beat them before you need medication.The Stress SymptomsAlmost always when you...

Leadership and Employee Engagement Podcast


Leadership and Employee Engagement Podcast By Jonathan Randle Download from Itunes

Training Employees Online


Businesses need to train and develop their employees regularly as it will help improve employee work performance, provide them with skills necessary to deal with changing technologies, and equip them adequately to perform their duties and helping the company achieve its goals. This has become a problem though for many small businesses as they have to work on a...

Agreeing To Disagree Won’t Work In The Fight For Workplace Arrangements


Misunderstandings between employees and employers remains robust as neither side refuses to relinquish power.  While the new year typically ushers in a whole slew of changes, the workforce has been stuck in the battle of remote and in-office work since March 2020.  Leaders have made it abundantly clear that they prefer some form of in-person work, while workers argue that...

What to Expect from the Newest Worker Demographic


by Laura Stack, MBA, CSP, CPAE “…A new generation is on the rise, and the first step to communicating with them is understanding they aren’t just another Millennial.” ― Pamela La Gioia, American business author. The post-Millennial generation of workers, born from about 1995 -2010, has now entered the American workplace in earnest. Some 74 million strong, this diverse cohort comprises about...

The Easiest Wellness Program For Employees in 2023


Putting new policies and programs together can be excruciating. Trying to figure out how to put together a wellness program for employees is now one of the highest priorities for employers. Even 75% of Human Resources employees report that employee wellness programs are now high on their lists. It can seem daunting, confusing, and unclear what needs to...