The Future of Work, Latest Trends


Join our session at the Workplace Trends Research Summit where we deep dive into the key insights from the Future Forum quarterly survey of 10,000+ global knowledge workers. We’ll be discussing the latest data around hybrid working, workplace management and office design to help you prepare for the future of work. Laptops and Wi-Fi untethered workers from the office...

Hybrid workers exercise more, sleep longer and eat better


A new study claims that hybrid working is leading to a healthier workforce, with more time being dedicated to exercise, sleep and healthy eating. Research among more than 2,000 hybrid workers by IWG suggests that the time saved by reduced commuting has led to multiple health and wellbeing benefits including weight loss, better cooking habits, improved mental health...

9 Ways to Improve Your Immediate Workplace


The current Covid pandemic has not been easy for anybody. Not many people will forget the year 2020 and onwards. No one has been spared by its disruption of daily life routine. What makes it worse is that it comes together with the need of wearing a mask, social distancing and vaccination. In some more unfortunate cases, it brings...

hybrid working and employee engagement


The work environment has undergone significant change in recent years. Individuals and organisations have experienced the benefits of fully remote working, causing many people to shift to partly working from home as a definite. So exactly what is the relationship between hybrid working and employee engagement? This major evolution in the way we work causes ambiguity in organisational policymaking....

High Paying Work From Home Jobs


Work From Home Jobs are becoming popular day by day due to the changing way of jobs. There are many jobs that are available online which can be done through your laptops and without even coming to the office.With VPN connectivity, it is now possible to do many works directly from home. Thanks to the World Wide Web, Work...

Gender equality could be centuries away


Women’s rights are still being abused and violated around the world, says United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres The hope of achieving gender equality throughout the world “is...

The Benefits of Work From Home Jobs


The number of people who work from home are increasingly growing. This shouldn't come as a surprise considering how the internet business industry has developed and evolved during the last few years. More and more people are seeing the potential of the world wide web as a platform for earning not only residual incomes but full incomes as well....

How to Calculate Your Employee Turnover Rate


Published on: March 3, 2023 |  Reading time: 8m Employee turnover is a white-hot topic these days — and with good reason. According to a recent study by McKinsey, around 40% of employees surveyed considered leaving their jobs for greener pastures within the year. And as the battle for talent rages on, companies are looking to adapt their...

Hiring, Managing, Motivating Remote Sales Teams for Peak Performance


Having worked in sales and sales management for a number of LSPs (Language Service Providers) in both the US and Europe, I have experienced a wide variety of approaches to hiring, training and managing remote-sometimes very remote-salespeople. This article will focus on what LSPs can do to ensure success in their sales team.While I've witnessed some spectacular successes, I've...

Task-Oriented Vs People-Oriented Leadership Styles


Business leaders around the world have become increasingly aware of the fact that an effective leadership style is more important than ever in the workplace. The wrong leadership style can lead to a lot of problems, including: Low motivation Poor productivity Team disharmony High employee turnover It's critical that both local employers who need local workers and non-local employers that need online workers provide...