WorkCongress 2025 Virtual Summit on the Future of Work

Whether you’re meeting with co-workers working from your residence that day or with clients situated half a globe away, running a practical and efficient remote meeting can be challenging.

When you’re in person with people, it can feel much easier to communicate effectively and evaluate how they think and respond to various concepts.

Yet when you’re meeting virtually, it can feel like some participants sort of … vanish right into the void.

While remote meetings will likely never accomplish the same degree of intimacy as face-to-face meetings, there are ways to make them much more reliable and effective. To assist you to get more value out of your remote sessions, we have thought of 5 leading ideas for running much better ones:

Have people identify themselves and also make sure everyone acknowledges each other

This is particularly necessary if some participants aren’t visible to everyone else. A fast, “Hey, Elsie here,” before Elsie talks, for instance, lets others identify the voice (as well as the face if on video) of each speaker. Keep note of who has talked, and also ask nonparticipants to participate.

Nonetheless, if Elsie is a remote employee, it can be difficult to recognize her voice and individuality through a call. Therefore, it is recommended remote employees take a casual Skype call with key office colleagues at any convenient time to connect with them “in person”.

Introduce everybody

The video camera doesn’t reveal every speaker throughout the conference. Some software application shows a symbol or picture of some participants. However, it is a good practice to present everybody attending.

Remind of the meeting goal

Remind individuals of the conference goal once the meeting begins. If you utilize an online collaboration whiteboard, you can quickly put a sticker with a meeting objective and what must be achieved. This ensures that all the individuals are clear aware of the goals throughout the meeting.

Be courteous to others

Avoid side conversations and background disturbances. Like in senior high school, when you didn’t like someone whispering behind your back, side discussions can confuse and leave individuals out.

Check out action items are in progress

It’s vital in remote working relationships that you get precise and goal-oriented with performance objectives and assumptions for individuals and teams. Then, review them as a result of the meeting, send through follow-up e-mail, and don’t forget to remember to control them when the meeting is finished. Otherwise, what was the purpose?

The future of work means differently to each one of us: some see it as more technology and less human, some expect a more humanized space and some others imagine it to be a no-workplace world. In our journey to unwrap FutureofWork, invites leaders from various industries to help our global community to understand what the posterity holds for workers, leaders and organizations. While our team is busy at bringing this fresh ideas directly to you, we would appreciate our community help in making it possible. If you like what you’ve read, we would appreciate if you could spread the word within your circles and let us know if anything you want us to bring into this #FutureOfWork conversation.

WorkCongress 2025 Virtual Summit on the Future of Work