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10 Habits to Follow for a Better Work-Life Balance


If you find yourself clocking in more hours than you do at home, then you’ve come to the right place! Within this video we will teach a few habits to start following to achieve a better work-life balance.

After all, it’s about working smarter, not harder, right?! With a few small lifestyle changes, you can live a happier and more relaxed life – without neglecting your career, either! So, click on the play button and discover how to transform your life.

Looking for more advice? Check out: https://bit.ly/3igeOGW

#worklifebalance #worklife #home


00.00: Introduction
00:38 Identify your goals
00:59 Do work that you love
01:22 Stop putting so much pressure on yourself
01:44 Plan in advance
02:04 Create a calendar
02:22 Stick to set working hours
02:44 Learn and listen
03:05 Adopt a healthier lifestyle
03:30 Delegate tasks
03:54 Take time off
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Gig Economy|what are gig workers |labour laws and gig workers|what is gig economy|gig workers laws


Gig Economy|what are gig workers |labour laws and gig workers|what is gig economy|gig worker laws
#gigeconomy #gigworkers

Gig workers refer to the workers outside of the traditional employer-employee relationship including freelancers, workers who are employed on a contractual basis with their employers, project based work and short term work. 

Most commonly, platform based work where workers earn money by providing specific services, including food delivery services like Zomato, Swiggy or e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, Flipkart etc., use gig workers. 

A 2017 Ernst and Young study on the “Future of Jobs in India” even found that 24% of the world’s gig workers come from India

The gig economy allows different people across cities, age groups, and skill sets to pick up work without being tied down to one single project. Those just entering the workforce find it easier to find gig work than conventional jobs that need some amount of work experience

Labour Laws and Gig Workers 

with the absence of specific legislations, gig workers cannot claim consequential benefits such as minimum wages, hours of work, overtime, leave, etc. as compared to most traditional long-term employees. This is because the current labour laws in place do not encompass the nature of work done by gig workers

Currently, Indian labour and employment laws recognize three main categories of employees: government employees, employees in government-controlled corporate bodies known as Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) and private sector employees who may be managerial staff or workmen. All these employees are ensured certain working conditions, such as minimum wages under The Minimum Wages Act, 1948, a set number of hours of work, compensation for termination, etc. Currently, gig workers lack the ‘employee’ status under Indian law, thereby resulting in several consequences, such as an inability to form unions to represent their interests, exploitative contacts, etc.

           New Law

Even though gig workers will get protections such as minimum wages, crucial protections related to occupational health and safety still remain to be addressed. Once the current draft Code becomes a law, gig workers would get schemes which are notified by the State and Central Government, including life and disability cover

Other Benefits:

New Social Security Fund.

Gig workers will also be eligible to insurance benefits provided by state-run Employees’ State Insurance Corporation. 

According to the draft Bill, they will also be entitled to life & disability cover, health & maternity benefits, 
old-age protection,
 and “other benefits” laid out by the central government, which will frame social security schemes for them


Why specializing early doesn't always mean career success | David Epstein


Visit http://TED.com to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized talk recommendations and more.

A head start doesn’t always … well, help you get ahead. With examples from sports, technology and economics, journalist David Epstein shares how specializing in a particular skill too early in life may undermine your long-term development — and explains the benefits of a “sampling period” where you try new things and focus on building a range of skills. Learn how this broader, counterintuitive mindset (and more forgiving timeline) could lead to a more fulfilling life, personally and professionally.

The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design — plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more. You’re welcome to link to or embed these videos, forward them to others and share these ideas with people you know.

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The 4 Career Advantages of Upskilling


What does upskilling have to do with a graduate’s employability? As fresh job seekers’ value become pegged with their ability to pick up new skills quickly and staying updated with technology – find out what are the advantages to upskilling and how it can get you a leg up on the competition.

Subscribe to SkillsFuture SG’s YouTube channel for more content.


What Is The Future Of Jobs? | Mike Walsh | Futurist Keynote


What will be the future of jobs? In many ways, COVID-19 simply accelerated trends that were already well underway. The future of jobs is as much human as it is a story of AI and machines. We have to find ways to both capture the knowledge inside the minds of the best people in our organizations, as well as augmenting the workforce with automation and computation.

00:00 – Intro
00:22 – Talent Patterns
01:21 – Future Skills
01:41 – Computational Astronomy
03:12 – Impact of Automation

– – – – – –
Follow Mike Walsh’s channel for insights on the future of work, digital transformation and reimagining leadership for the age of AI: http://www.youtube.com/user/michaelwalsh?sub_confirmation=1
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For more information about booking Mike for a virtual presentation or workshop: https://www.mike-walsh.com/topics
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Check out Mike’s latest book, ‘The Algorithmic Leader: How to be smart, when machines are smarter than you’. https://www.amazon.com/Algorithmic-Leader-Smart-Machines-Smarter/dp/1989025331
– – – – – –


25 Best Jobs In The World And Their Salaries


In today’s video, we are going to looking into the best jobs in the world. To compile the list, we looked at; salary, job satisfaction and career growth potential, amongst others. Enjoy!

Audible 30 Day Free Trial: https://amzn.to/2mO6ow0


More Videos:

16 High Paying Jobs With No DEGREE – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTqT2WnjTWA

HOW TO DEAL WITH MONDAY BLUES – 8 TIPS – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1Z8cuWwabo

10 Legit Ways To Make Money And Passive Income Online – How To Make Money Online – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAj0ZsYcHkQ

10 Signs You Were Born To Be Rich – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0gtVIjA_uM

HOW THE RICH HIDE THEIR MONEY AND PAY NO TAX – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXou5pM7zh0

7 Types Of Income Of An Average Millionaire – How To Become Rich – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPNN_ZurPio

References: https://www.bls.gov/home.htm?view_full

Practical Wisdom – Interesting Ideas

DISCLAIMER: I’m not a financial adviser. These videos are for educational purposes only. No official financial advice is being given. Please always check with a professional before making any investments or financial decisions. Your investments are your sole responsibility, these videos merely share my own opinions with no guarantee of gain or losses.
– The Audible link is an affiliate link meaning if you make a purchase using the link, I will receive a small commission at no extra charge to the buyer.


How to Hire Employees for a Small Business | Tips to Make Hiring Easier


➡️➡️➡️ If you’re a business owner looking to make more profit, have more time, and extract yourself from your business, click here to learn more about our program Adventure to Profit: http://adventuretoprofit.com/

Greg is giving you his top tips on how to hire employees for your small business. These tips can also be used when hiring your first employee. This is how we have found the best people for the job and increased employee retention through quality hires.

Check out all of our favorite apps, books and tools for business owners: https://matterhornbizdev.com/our-resources/
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How WeWork’s IPO Failed | The Business Newsroom Episode 25: https://youtu.be/FgfmF3pri9Y

Profit First Book Summary | Cash Flow Management Strategy for Business:

NOTE: This post may contain affiliate links. Purchasing through these links is no additional cost to you, but helps support our channel.


The 6 SNEAKY SECRETS You Can Use To WIN ANY EXCHANGE |Chris Voss & Lewis Howes


https://lewishowes.com/gmyo – Get my NEW book The Greatness Mindset today!
https://lewishowes.com/greatnessdelivered – Sign up for my FREE newsletter & get a dose of inspiration from our world-class guests, learn how to improve your life!
Download podcast episodes a week early! http://www.lewishowes.com/pod
Chris is not just an author.

He worked in the FBI (and the police force) for over 20 years as a top hostage negotiator, working over 150 kidnappings, to say the least.

Now he runs a top consulting company and teaches negotiation to graduate students at universities like Harvard and Georgetown.

I guarantee you’ll learn something valuable within the first ten minutes of listening to this interview.
You can follow me at:
Website: http://lewishowes.com/
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How to Make an Employee Training Plan


When you hire a new employee, your employee training plan ensures that your training process produces the best results.

But what should you include? Learn everything you need to know about how to make an employee training plan here: http://trainual.com/how-to-build-a-wildly-impactful-employee-training-program


Discussing #IntentionalIntegrity and #FutureOfWork with @ChestnutRob (@AirBnB) on Work 2.0 Podcast #FutureofWork #Work2dot0 #Podcast


Discussing #IntentionalIntegrity and #FutureOfWork with @ChestnutRob (@AirBnB) on Work 2.0 Podcast #FutureofWork #Work2dot0 #Podcast

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_LuqEe1rIw[/embedyt]

Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/discussing-intentionalintegrity-futureofwork-chestnutrob/id1207582205?i=1000476780855

In this podcast, Rob Chestnut sheds light on creating an ethical organization and proclivity intentional integrity to help create an organization with strong values. She shared how organizations with sound moral values outperform organizations that don’t. He also shared how any organization could transform into organizations with ethical values by practicing intentional integrity. The session is an excellent watch for aspiring leaders preparing a team that plays a significant role in defining ethical organization.

Rob’s Book:
Intentional Integrity: How Smart Companies Can Lead an Ethical Revolution by Robert Chesnut amzn.to/2Xi7SSG

Rob’s Recommended Read:
Positivity: Top-notch Research Reveals the 3 to 1 Ratio That Will Change Your Life by Barbara L. Fredrickson amzn.to/39WkUIe

Podcast Link:
iTunes: math.im/jofitunes
Youtube: math.im/jofyoutube

Rob’s BIO:
Rob Chesnut is the Chief Ethics Officer at Airbnb, a role he took on in late 2019 after nearly four years as the company’s General Counsel. He previously led eBay’s North America legal team, where he founded the Internet’s first e-commerce person to person platform Trust and Safety team. He was the general counsel at Chegg, Inc. for nearly six years, and he served 14 years with the U.S. Justice Department, where he prosecuted CIA employee Aldrich Ames for espionage. He is the author of Intentional Integrity: How Smart Companies Can Lead an Ethical Revolution (St Martin’s Press, 2020).

Some Questions we talked about:
1. Explain your journey to your current role?
2. Could you share something about your current position?
3. What does Airbnb for a few folks who have not heard about it?
4. What is Chief Ethics Officer, and why is this role important?
5. Why write this book?
6. What is the premises of this book?
7. Everyone thinks they have integrity, yet week after week, we see organizations like Facebook, Google, Boeing, or even the Houston Astros, come under fire for failing to live up to their values. What is “intentional integrity,” and how can it help us get out of this integrity crisis?
8. What’s at stake if companies don’t directly and explicitly address integrity?
9. What was it like to be running trust and safety at eBay during the dot-com boom and now, a general counsel and chief ethics officer at Airbnb, two companies that had to invent ethical rules in the nascent and less-regulated frontier of e-commerce?
10. In a digital and global age with shifting cultural norms, how can companies reinforce common standards of integrity while respecting each employee’s right to their personal opinions and preferences?
11. You write that “you can’t outsource integrity,” and that to be authentic, pervasive, and persuasive, integrity must come directly from an organization’s leadership. If you could give one piece of advice to every CEO, what would it be?
12. How does culture embrace integrity?
13. What is the role of integrity in a capitalistic society?
14. This is a great topic for such a conversation, what have we learned from Covid19 outbreak about integrity?
15. Describe an organization that gets it?
16. What are some important factors I should keep in mind if I am an aspiring leader building the culture for the integrity led futuristic organization?
17. What is the most interesting sector of the industry right now?
18. What moves or strategies do you think companies are missing?
19. What are 1-3 best practices that you think is the key to success in your journey?
20. Do you have any favorite read?
21. As a closing remark, what would you like to tell our audience?

About #Podcast:
Work 2.0 Podcast is created to spark the conversation around the future of work, worker, and workplace. The world’s leading practitioners, influencers, authors, academicians, entrepreneurs, and leaders are stepping up to add their thoughts to the conversation. The podcast is created to help professionals navigate their career journeys through transformative times. This podcast invite movers and shakers in the industry who are shaping or helping us understand the transformation in work.

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Redefining the Gig Economy: Advocating for Policy Change to Foster Inclusion...

In an era where flexible work arrangements are increasingly coveted, the gig economy has burgeoned into a formidable force within our labor market. Characterized...