Job analysis is a process for collecting information that describes in detail the criteria for successful job performance.
Typically, it focuses on tasks, responsibilities, knowledge and skill requirements, and any other abilities for successful job performance.
These are top 10 methods of job analysis as follows:
1. Job element method
This method is same the critical incident technique. It focuses on work behaviors and the results of this behavior rather than more abstract characteristics. Job element method developed by Ernest Primoff.
2. Checklists and rating scales
Checklist is job analysis method base on an inventory of job elements. You can ask question about purose of position; key responsibility areas; organization; relationships; decision making; authority; Skills, knowledge, experience; working conditions.
3. Competency profiling
Competency modeling is the activity of determining the specific competencies that are characteristic of high performance and success in a given job. Contents of competency modeling include skills, knowledge, abilities, values, interests, personalities.
4. Direct observation
Direct Observation is a method to observe and record behavior / events / activities / tasks / duties while something is happening.
5. Work methods analysis
Work methods analysis is used to describe manual and repetitive production jobs, such as factory or assembly-line jobs. Work methods analysis includes time and motion study and micro-motion analysis.
6. Critical incident technique
Critical incident technique is a method used to identify work behaviors that classify in good and poor performance.
7. Position Analysis Questionnaire
PAQ model is a questionnaire technique. It developed by McCormick, Jeanneret, and Mecham (1972), is a structured instrument of job analysis to measure job characteristics and relate them to human characteristics. It consists of 195 job elements that describe generic human work behaviors.
8. Functional job analysis
FJA model is a technique that was developed by the Employment and Training Administration of the United States Department of Labor. It includes 7 scales (numbers) that measure: 3 worker-function scales: measure % of time spent with: data, people, things; 1 worker-instruction scale; 3 scales that measure reasoning, mathematics, language.
9. Work Profiling System
WPS model is a questionnaire technique of job analysis, is a computer-administered system for job analysis, developed by Saville & Holdsworth, Ltd.
10. Task Inventory
A task inventory is a list of the discrete activities that make up a specific job in a specific organization