WorkCongress 2025 Virtual Summit on the Future of Work

Passion is the fuel that drives us to do what we love. Without it, we can get stuck in a routine that doesn’t fulfil us. If you have a passion, purpose, or goal committed to achieving, your life will be more fulfilling and meaningful. In this episode with Frankie Russo, we discuss how passions and purposes can change your life for the better. It also includes some ideas on the best ways to find your passion and purpose in life.

Since 2005, Frankie Russo has been building the Russo Capital portfolio of companies throughout multiple industries, including technology, advertising, marketing, music, automotive, agriculture, publishing, and finance. The companies he has invested in have offices in the USA and India and serve 121 U.S. Markets.

Russo and his team have led 2 of his companies to become some of America’s fastest-growing privately owned companies 8 years in a row. In 2017 his company became one of the top 50 companies in southwest Louisiana. Russo was named ABIZ entrepreneur of the year and recognized as one of Louisiana’s top 20 under 40 honorees.

The Art of WHY (2016), Russo’s first book, was on Amazon’s bestseller list in the self-help category and has been readapted and expanded into his second book, the rules-defying Breaking WHY (2022). He currently conducts a series of book tours and talks around the country to help his audience master their own purpose. Frankie’s highest calling is his family, and he happily lives with his wife and six children in Louisiana.

Tune in!

During this episode, you will learn about;

[00:00] Episode intro and a quick bio of the guest; Frankie Russo

[01:02] A short backstory of who Frankie is and where he came from

[06:20] Founding Russo Capital and its mission

[07:35] Frankie Russo, through his school of WHY

[09:45] A journey to find his purpose

[13:05] Common mistakes among entrepreneurs and leaders in their pursuit of self

[16:19] The culture shift in organizations

[19:00] Ensuring a company sticks to its WHY in the growth trajectory

[25:01] How successful businesses and leaders adjust to the realities of life

[28:37] Frankie’s decision-making process he shares with us

[34:10] Quick fixes that companies and leaders need to implement

[39:02] How you can reinforce passion and wisdom in the workforce

[42:54] Analysis paralysis on understanding your WHY

[43:47] What motivated Frankie to become an author

[48:34] Rapid fire round

[52:31] Qualities that have made Frankie who he is today

[54:27] Book recommendation

[56:15] Golden take-away nuggets from the guest

[56:50] Episode wrap up

Notable Quotes

  • Look at what it takes to harness your passion and purpose and put them together to create true, long-lasting profits.
  • The purpose is the center of everything an entrepreneur does.
  • The secret to understanding your WHY of existence is looking at who you were as a young person.
  • The only truly meaningful and fulfilling thing is living your purpose and serving your gift to the world.
  • The most powerful leaders are the ones that have humility and honesty.
  • Everyone’s life is vulnerable to the outside factors that we must adjust to.
  • The one thing you can’t sell people on is passion. If they are not passionate about their work, their productivity will always be unfavorable.
  • Understanding your WHY is only the first step. All the rest of the steps are work.
  • Challenge yourself to find out your WHY and be okay with the answer. If you don’t like it, revisit it regularly.

Frankie’s Books and other Resources Mentioned

  1. Breaking WHY: Hacking and Rebuilding Strategic Emotions for Authentic Success:
  1. The Art of Why: Master Your Purpose:
  1. Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek:
  1. The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail by Clayton M. Christensen:
  1. Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and into Your Life by Gary John Bishop:
  1. Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap by Jim Collins:
  1. Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman:

Some questions we covered:

1. What has brought Frankie to this day?

2. What is the vision behind Russo Capital company?

3. What did Frankie do to find his purpose?

4. What common mistakes among entrepreneurs and leaders in pursuing purpose?

5. How can a company ensure it sticks to its WHY in the growth trajectory

6. How Frankie makes his decisions.

7. What are some of the quick fixes that companies and leaders need to implement

8. What motivated Frankie to become an author?

9. Is there analysis paralysis in understanding your WHY

9. What qualities have made Frankie who he is today?

Connect With Frankie Russo


Company Website:



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WorkCongress 2025 Virtual Summit on the Future of Work