Career Contessa

The career site built for women that helps you job search, change careers, and advance in your current position. Real talk guaranteed.
Topics & highlights: career advice, actionable worksheets, webinars, and personalised career coaching.
Career Savvy

Career Savvy is a Big Community of Enthusiastic Young Entrepreneurs and students who want to achieve something big in life.
Topics & highlights: Job hunting and interviews, career development, money saving, self employment, student and graduate advice.
Prolific Living

Prolific Living shows businesses and individuals how to stop selling, build deep trust, and grow their profits.
Topics & highlights: getting to know yourself, finding your path, and staying motivated in your corporate job.
Girl Boss

Founded by serial entrepreneur and New York Times Bestselling author Sophia Amoruso, Girlboss was born from the book that inspired a generation of women to take action in their own lives. Today, we have a small but brilliant team of editors, creatives, and technology professionals working to build something that’s never been built before.
Topics & highlights: women centric career advice.
G2 Career Advice Learning Hub
G2 is the world’s largest tech marketplace where businesses can discover, review, and manage the technology they need to reach their potential.
Topics & highlights: Job hunting and interviews, career development, leaving your job.
Penelope Trunk

Penelope Trunk (born Adrienne Roston; legal name Adrienne Greenheart; December 10, 1966) is an American businesswoman, author, and blogger. Her work focuses on the intersection of work and life. Trunk is the author of the books Brazen Careerist: The New Rules for Success, The New American Dream: A Blueprint for a New Path to Success, and The Power of Mentors: The Guide to Finding and Learning from Your Ideal Mentor. She blogged at Brazen Careerist before leaving that company.
Topics & highlights: Marketing, PR, Public Relations, Branding, Brand Building, Content Development, Content Management, Online Media, Digital Marketing, Social Media, Community Building, Startups, Blockchain, Crypto, Hiring, Recruiting, Career Management, Ed Tech, Farming, Consumer Software, Public Speaking, Brand Evangelism.
Idealist Careers
Idealist connects millions of idealists – people who want to do good – with opportunities for action and collaboration all over the world.
Topics & highlights: career planning, internships, entrepreneurial endeavors, networking skills, workflow hacks.
The Daily Muse

We are your ultimate career destination, offering exciting job opportunities, expert advice, and a peek behind the scenes into fantastic companies and career paths. We believe that you can and should love your job—and be successful at it—and we want to help make that happen. Whether you’re just starting out, changing career paths, or aiming for the C-suite, we’ve got everything you need to take charge of your career.
Topics & highlights: Job search and interviewing, career development, management, break-room.

A work fashion blog offering fashion, lifestyle, and career advice for overachieving chicks.
Topics & highlights: fashion and lifestyle for professional women.

Lifehacker Australia redefines personal productivity with tips, tricks and hacks to improve your life.
Topics & highlights: job interviews, workplace trends, productivity, communication, career hacks.

Expert career advice on CVs, cover letters, interviews.
Topics & highlights: Job search and interviewing, career development, salary search.