The Aftermath Of The 2022 Layoff (Infographic)


Layoffs are both painful and essential. Corporate reorganization has negative effects on organizations and their employees, from muddled emotions to decreased productivity. Victims of downsizing may experience troubles with their mental health as well as their finances. Additionally, it may have a negative impact on a survivor’s emotions and future work prospects.But how severe are the impacts of...

17 Effective Remote Meeting Best Practices


Published on: December 15, 2022 |  Reading time: 8m We’ve heard it before: the remote and hybrid work models are the “new normal.” Since many companies have found that they can operate just as well (or in some cases, even better) from home, HR teams, senior leadership, and managers have been diligently crafting new policies to create a...

How to Resolve Conflict in the Workplace in 5 Steps


Conflict between coworkers is inevitable. Mastering how to resolve conflict in the workplace is where power lies for you to make a difference with your people, your teams, and ultimately your customers. You cannot have a successful workforce that is productive and uplifted when they are constantly dealing with disagreements that negatively affect their work. Here are five ways...

What Is Company Culture? 12 Important Questions for Your Job Interviews.


Over there years I have been asked, “What is company culture?” I’ve talked about company culture since I learned about it, and it’s become one of my favorite subjects because it impacts us so much. So this morning I woke up to a newsletter article from one of my resume-writer friends, Martin Weitzman. Marty writes the Gilbert Gazette, which...

Three Ways Artificial Intelligence is Impacting Business Productivity


by Laura Stack, MBA, CSP, CPAE “Some people call this artificial intelligence, but the reality is this technology will enhance us. So instead of artificial intelligence, I think we’ll augment our intelligence.” — Ginny Rometty, American business executive Artificial intelligence (AI) gets a bad rap in pop culture. For every fictional Jarvis or David, there are a half-dozen Skynets or...

The Importance of Effective Workplace Communication


EnergageEnergage is a Certified B Corporation that helps organizations measure, shape, and showcase their culture to build a sustainable competitive advantage. Through its fully unified SaaS platform, plus support and professional services, Energage customers are successfully recruiting and retaining the right talent for their organization by building, maintaining and branding their unique culture. Having launched the...

What Leaders Can Do to Improve Employee Engagement


EnergageEnergage is a Certified B Corporation that helps organizations measure, shape, and showcase their culture to build a sustainable competitive advantage. Through its fully unified SaaS platform, plus support and professional services, Energage customers are successfully recruiting and retaining the right talent for their organization by building, maintaining and branding their unique culture. Having launched the...

A Guide to Employee Well-Being


EnergageEnergage is a Certified B Corporation that helps organizations measure, shape, and showcase their culture to build a sustainable competitive advantage. Through its fully unified SaaS platform, plus support and professional services, Energage customers are successfully recruiting and retaining the right talent for their organization by building, maintaining and branding their unique culture. Having launched the...

How to Interpret Employee Engagement Survey Results


EnergageEnergage is a Certified B Corporation that helps organizations measure, shape, and showcase their culture to build a sustainable competitive advantage. Through its fully unified SaaS platform, plus support and professional services, Energage customers are successfully recruiting and retaining the right talent for their organization by building, maintaining and branding their unique culture. Having launched the...

30 Strategies to Improve Employee Well-Being


EnergageEnergage is a Certified B Corporation that helps organizations measure, shape, and showcase their culture to build a sustainable competitive advantage. Through its fully unified SaaS platform, plus support and professional services, Energage customers are successfully recruiting and retaining the right talent for their organization by building, maintaining and branding their unique culture. Having launched the...