Five Steps to Manage & Resolve Conflict in the Workplace


Conflict is a word that causes many of us a great degree of discomfort, anger, frustration, sadness, and even pain. Conflict is no stranger to any of us. We experience it all the time in our daily lives - with our families, friends and increasingly so in our professional lives. It is a regular aspect of life.Today we live...

Applying the 20-60-20 Rule to Leadership & Change Management


Most of us have heard of the Pareto Principle known as the 80/20 rule that states roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. Examples include: · 80% of sales come from 20% of the salespeople ...

Detained WSJ journalist Evan Gershkovich wasn’t spying on Russia – his arrest is because Putin’s Ukraine war is failing


BEING a journalist isn’t a safe profession, and it’s particularly dangerous for those who work in countries such as Russia. They run heavy risks, but they continue reporting because they know how important it is. 3 The Wall Street Journal’s Moscow correspondent, Evan Gershkovich, now awaiting trial for espionage, knows the country very well. He has been based there for six years...

Find a Career Coach to Mentor You Through a Job Search Or Career Change


You know that saying about life being counted not by the number of breaths you take but the moments that take your breath away? This Ezines Expert just had one, receiving a nomination for an award in the Best Creative Resume category of the Career Directors International (CDI) annual Toast of the Resume Industry (TORI) competition.Much of the credit...

The Power of Positive Reinforcement


There has been much written about positive reinforcement as a psychology for changing performance. It is a technique both used in animal training and child development, which now has proven as effective for use as part of human resource management in business tool. As a business manager, how can one apply and monitor positive reinforcement?First understand that everyone enjoys...

Investing In Employee Development For Improving Retention


Employee retention is a critical issue for many companies. High turnover rates can be costly, both in terms of financial resources and the negative impact on team morale and productivity. Furthermore, recruiting and training new employees can take a significant amount of time and effort, which can slow down progress and hinder growth.One effective strategy for improving employee...

Workforce Development is More Than Just Training


"Why should I train employees for my competitors? They'll just leave after I invest in their training. I'm smarter than that: I focus on hiring people who are already trained for what we need!"I am sure my jaw hit the table when I heard that executive's view of training during a break at a Chamber of Commerce meeting. How...

Employee Engagement – It Starts At The Start


"It finally happened!" The voice belonged to one of my career coaching clients, a normally fairly calm person. "It" turned out to be a level of courtesy and respect from a potential employer that simply amazed her. The process -- from the initial phone screen to the post-offer follow-up, convinced her to...

Artificial Intelligence for Managers: Why Is It Important?


Far-sighted managers look into the advantages AI has for the future and adapt themselves accordingly. AI will help advance careers and produce faster business results, enabling good managers to become great at what they do. Given the enormous advantages AI has over human beings, it is often sought to perform tasks earlier done by a human with great precision...

Free Rebate Processing Jobs – Legitimate Online Work From Home Jobs


Have you been searching for a legitimate online work from home job, only to be bombarded by scams and get rich quick schemes? If so, it's time to take a look at online rebate processing jobs. There is a reason these rebate processing jobs are growing in popularity year after year: they are actually legitimate online jobs. The only...