Work Lessons From Trees


Since our school years we've been trained to think of the Darwinian theory of “survival of the fittest”. We grow up in an individualistic society where every individual is supposed to take care of himself/herself. This lifestyle is further encouraged once we step into the workplace. We knowingly or unknowingly step on each other to climb the corporate ladder....

WorkPod Minisode: Defining AI

0 As more and more businesses are adopting AI for various uses, it's important to constantly be grounded in the essential idea of what AI was meant for. In this video, Ash Fontana, author of "AI-First Company" defines in a few words the concept of AI and how it is being used to solve and industrial and commercial problems today. To watch...

WorkPod Minisode: Growth of PR and Saving from Pitfalls

0 The role of PR is no longer just a branch of the marketing team. It has undergone tremendous changes in the past two decades with the advent of technology. In this video, Sabrina Horn, author of "Make It, Don't Fake It", talks to us about the evolution of PR and what are some of the common pitfalls when it comes...

Tech Companies and The Hypocrisy of Digital Well-Being


Technology is not bad, it’s our inability to use technology well that is detrimental to our well-being. Recognizing this imminent problem upon us, mobile companies, including giants like Apple, Microsoft have come up with apps that will limit our phone usage. But one may wonder why would mobile companies who profit so much by keeping us hooked to our...

WorkPod Minisode: Understanding Jobs And AI

0 With the rise of machines, the world is poised for a massive change in the way work is being done. While there are apprehensions that AI will wipe out millions of job but there is also the hope that like every other technological development in the past, it will millions more. In this video, Ash Fontana, author of "AI First...

The Effort Based Evaluation


The modern workplace is heavily result oriented. You can be a good employee, meaning you are punctual, you work alright, you are engaged and friendly but you can still get fired if you don’t meet your targets. This applies even to higher management. So, if the higher management is under the sword and their bosses need to be answerable...

WorkPod Minisode: Rapid fire with David Bradford

0 In this video, author of Influencing Up, indulges us in a quick question and answer session on various work-related topics. In this video, the author of Influencing Up, gives us some hacks to deal with some of the most obvious biases we witness in the workplace. The second half of the video attempts to define workplace conflict with tips to...

Empathy, An Urgent Need of The Times


Empathy is no more a dispensable soft skill languishing down in the priorities of an organization. The need for empathy has never been greater than the current times where employees are struggling with psychological, emotional, physical and job security. Even though most of the companies have given remote work and other benefits, according to a global survey conducted by...

WorkPod Minisode: Quick trick for growing faster

0 We know what are visionaries in the context of business but who are super visionaries? In this video, Michael Solomon, author of Game Changer, defines the concept of super visionary and the role they play in guiding a company or it's people perform better. He also talks about the dichotomy of employee loyalty and retention vis a vis the gig...

Flexible Work For All


The need for freedom is ingrained in our DNA. During the Covid pandemic it’s mostly the knowledge workers and the white collar jobs that profited from work from home/remote model. The rest of the workers who don’t fit this description such as retail employees, on-site essential personnel or IT field technicians also want more autonomy and flexibility. The need...