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10 Sample Interview Questions For Teens



Everyone gets a little tongue tied answering job interview questions…

Most adults dread going on job interviews. So can you imagine how nerve-wracking it is for your teen-ager at his very first job interview?

One of the best things you can do to prepare your teen (or even yourself!) for an interview is to hold a “mock interview” at home.

That’s why I’ve put together the 10 most common interview questions and answers so you can help your teen appear cool as a cucumber!

1) Question: Why do you feel you are the best candidate for this job?

Answer: Because I’m responsible, reliable, and a hard worker.

2) Question: Do you have any experience in this type of work?

Answer: If you have related experience, tell them about it.

But if you don’t have experience, then answer: Not exactly, but I am a fast learner and I’m excited to learn as much as I can about (blank).

3) Question: Tell me about a strength of yours.

Answer: I’m a good listener and I like to be around people.

4) Tell me about a weakness of yours.

Answer: I’ve been called a perfectionist, but I like to do things right.

5) Question: Are you available on week-ends?

Answer: Yes I am. And if ever I’m not, I’ll be sure to let you know well in advance.

6) Tell me about how you would handle a difficult customer.

Answer: I would politely listen to their complaint without interrupting them, and then try to help them solve the problem.

7) How would you handle working with someone you don’t particularly like?

Answer: I get along easily with people – I don’t think that would be a problem.

8) What position do you think would fit you best?

Answer: I would like to learn as many different positions and jobs as I can. I’m really flexible.

9) Do you have your own transportation?

Answer: Yes. (if you do) or I don’t have my own car, but my parents have agreed to drive me to work.

10) Why should I hire you?

Answer: Because I have a positive attitude and I’ll work hard every day.

The most important thing you can do when answering job interview questions is to smile and be yourself. Most interviewers are very nice people!


Source by Sonja Mishek

Change Management Strategies – How Managers Can Add More Value



At 10.50am on the 29th of November 2005 Matthew, my youngest son was born. He was seven weeks premature and weighed only four lbs. Denise had to go into the operating theatre so I was alone at the side of Matthew’s incubator feeling scared and helpless. He was crying, so in an effort to try to do something I put my hands on either side of his little plastic cot and prayed he would be ok.

I was startled by a whisper in my ear, it was the nursery matron, she said “what are you doing?” I replied “I’m trying to help my baby.” She laughed softly saying “son, you won’t help him from behind the glass.”

So she lifted Matthew gently and placed him inside my shirt. He cuddled in and went back to sleep. Though I sometimes reflect on my failings as a father and in business, at that moment with Matthew sleeping on my shoulder I felt like I could have changed the world.

I believe that if we reflect on times on our life when we feel our best, it is when we are helping others. And I also believe that the more you help others get what they want the more you get what you want. For managers this means getting involved at the coalface. Read on to find out how.

First make sure that people have a strong sense of purpose. They need to know why and what they are trying to do, they get feedback in the form of measures, and are also allowed to contribute to the improvement of the system. But more than anything else, you must get involved.

Let’s consider purpose. Purpose drives behaviour and therefore tells people how to act in a given situation. Take, for example, a contact centre – management tell their staff that they want customers to experience great service, but in the same breath measure them on the number of calls they take every day. Given the choice of behaving in accordance with what they’re told to do and what they’re measured on staff will focus on call volume rather than doing the right thing for the customer. Hence the purpose becomes do things as fast as possible, even if it’s the wrong thing to do.

When there’s no clear purpose staff get confused about what they’re doing and why they’re doing it. Morale goes down because there is a lack of meaning in the job; getting through as many calls as you can every day is not really making a contribution to the customer. And when you deviate from what matters to customers your business fails.

Next make sure you have measures related to your purpose. Working on a clear operational concrete purpose is no good if you then use unrelated measures. Remember people will do what you count, not always what counts.

Finally study work. Look for systems and processes that make it difficult for staff to serve the customer.

As I was reminded through the nurse in Matthew’s ward that you can’t help people from behind the glass. This applies as much to managers as it does to fathers and nurses. What about you? How much time did you spend solving problems with your team last week?


Source by Stuart P Corrigan

Stress – Simple Tips To Reduce Stress Quickly & Easily



We all know the word stress and most of us know when we are being stressed, but do you know the symptoms that show you are over stressed?

If you do, and can spot them early and there are some exercises and techniques explained below that can let you beat them before you need medication.

The Stress Symptoms

Almost always when you are being stressed, you will notice a tightening of your muscles, usually in the hands and arms, sometimes the legs and feet.

Your blood pressure will rise, and your skin temperature will as well. These are normal responses from your natural “fight or flight” reflex.

If you are a bit observant and watch yourself carefully, you can identify these stress responses by your body.

Short-Term Stress is Good. Long-Term Stress is Deadly

If the above stress responses occur because you are in some sort of danger, and you have to protect yourself (by fighting or fleeing), then the stress is good. However they must be controlled.

A good example is being in a long line at the airport, with a nasty airline employee greeting you after your turn finally comes. The employee can stress you to very high limits, and you need all your self-control.

You will see your stress symptoms appearing.

Your quick reaction is needed. You must assert yourself, and get the employee to do their job, and quickly, and politely.

Your fighting will be by mental means, and verbal delivery. This short-term stress was a good thing.

Your body’s reactions were healthy for you, and all your natural anti-oxidants raced throughout your body to clear up any free radicals that were present.

However, if you suffer the above symptoms from an aggressive boss or co-worker at work on a daily basis, you are heading for real trouble.

Daily stress will:

o Weaken your immune system.

o Cause various organs to malfunction or fail.

o Produce undesired chemicals (hormones and enzymes) in your system.

Eventually you will become ill if you subject yourself to a daily stress that has the ability to produce stressor-reactions.

De-Stress! And Beat Stress

If you understand that your stress is becoming chronic, you must begin to de-stress at the sign of the first symptoms.

It’s easy; anyone can do it, anywhere. Follow these steps exactly, you will de-stress at once.

o Initial deep breathing. Stop a moment, whatever you are doing, and take three deep and profound breaths. Close your eyes and visualize the air racing into your lungs with healing energy, and racing out of your lungs with stress-filled spent energy.

o Withdraw! Wherever you are, there will be a restroom. Go there at once. Wash your face and especially your wrists with cold water. Feel the cold water bringing you balance (from the overheating the stress causes). Your skin temperature will actually drop! While you are alone, deep breathe as in the next step

o Take three more deep breathes, but this time, double the inhalation response and the exhalation response. This is done by taking a double breathe, one short, followed by a longer breath. The exhalation is the same, double. At the end of three deep double breathes, you will be back to normal.

o The last step is to wait. Feeling calmer, sit down (a toilet is an ideal place) and wait about 3 minutes. Feel yourself getting back to normal.

You are ready to face the world again, de-stressed. Remember, do these exercises each time you feel a prolonged stress, as the short stress is good for you, but long term stress is a killer. Look after yourself!


Source by Sacha Tarkovsky

Leadership and Employee Engagement Podcast


Leadership and Employee Engagement Podcast

By Jonathan Randle

Download from Itunes

Training Employees Online



Businesses need to train and develop their employees regularly as it will help improve employee work performance, provide them with skills necessary to deal with changing technologies, and equip them adequately to perform their duties and helping the company achieve its goals. This has become a problem though for many small businesses as they have to work on a small budget, cannot afford to have the employees away from work for several days to gather as work could come to a stand still. This is when online training programs come in handy.

Advantages of Online Training for Employees:

Providing online training for employees will greatly benefit those companies that cannot afford to have employees away from work for long durations. Online training can be given to just one or to a group of employees with relative ease and with minimum wastage of time and energy. The employees can learn on the job spending a few hours each day whenever it is convenient for them, from their workstations, which greatly helps small businesses by being economical as well as providing tailor made materials for the company. The company looks out for online training material providers to provide a content rich course material to be distributed internally, courses designed to teach individuals qualities they need training in such as leadership, or they seek help to develop and offer courses themselves. Training helps motivate the employees, making them adept at handling any situation, as well as improves work quality.

Online training for employees is also preferred by large corporations with offices and employees at different continents, since training for a large group of employees at different locations can be done easily with their workstations. These methods are effective as information is just a click away and courses are offered through emails, interactive websites as well as CDs etc.

Online training for employees ensures that companies get to train their employees fast and make them learn skills necessary for optimum performance at their convenience. When companies sponsor the training, employee moral gets a boost as well as increases the motivation to complete the training successfully. Performance management systems guide the company as well as the employee in choosing the right training necessary for each individual employee. Online training has made it possible for employees to further their qualifications by enrolling in online universities as well as continue their present jobs; mostly the company sponsors their training.

The ease of locating training institutes, offering specific content rich course materials and easy schedules, has made providing online training for employees easy and beneficial for businesses as well as for the employees.

There are firms that specialize in offering their services and products to help new owners run a business successfully and smoothly.


Source by Alexander Gordon

Agreeing To Disagree Won’t Work In The Fight For Workplace Arrangements



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Misunderstandings between employees and employers remains robust as neither side refuses to relinquish power. 

While the new year typically ushers in a whole slew of changes, the workforce has been stuck in the battle of remote and in-office work since March 2020. 

Leaders have made it abundantly clear that they prefer some form of in-person work, while workers argue that they have never been more productive than in a remote setting. So who’s right? 

From the perspective of professionals, many factors of in-person work can impact their overall productivity, including lengthy commutes, strict dress codes and poor office design. On the other hand, leaders don’t view these as hindrances to productivity — many just care about meeting quotas and overseeing daily tasks.   

The answer of who is right is complicated and lies somewhere in the middle. 

Remote work has been linked to increased productivity based on numerous case studies, but it has also highlighted some of the downsides of working in an isolated space.   

The difference in opinion over remote work has made little progress in recent years, suggesting that employees and employers must come together to outline specific policies that can accommodate the needs of all parties involved. Without it, tensions are likely to continue growing in the new year.  

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Harvard Business Review


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What to Expect from the Newest Worker Demographic



by Laura Stack, MBA, CSP, CPAE

“…A new generation is on the rise, and the first step to communicating with them is understanding they aren’t just another Millennial.” ― Pamela La Gioia, American business author.

The post-Millennial generation of workers, born from about 1995 -2010, has now entered the American workplace in earnest. Some 74 million strong, this diverse cohort comprises about one-quarter of our population, and almost 40% of the workforce. They’re more plugged into the digital world than any generation before them and have never known any other lifestyle.

Although Generation Z’s oldest members have worked steadily for a decade, some business pundits still don’t know what to think of them or how to handle them. And as with Millennials, many of the experts’ expectations regarding Gen Z have proven mostly wrong.

The Entitlement Refrain

It’s amusing, sometimes, to look at early opinions of changing business paradigms. As Millennials were still getting firmly established, older business generations often misconstrued their independence and lackluster corporate loyalty — fueled by the ways businesses treated their parents during the dotcom bust and Great Recession — as lack of focus and laziness. Some observers initially assumed the newest generation of workers would wind up acting even more entitled, self-indulgent, and self-centered than they thought the Millennials were.

Fast forward ten years or so, and there’s still little consensus about what to expect of Gen Z overall. However, there are a few things that most observers agree on. It turns out Generation Z is more conservative than Millennials, moving back toward the Baby Boomer/Generation X idea of business, though they still have an entrepreneurial mindset. Some experts are disturbed by the perception that Gen Z’s devices seem grafted to their hands and think this will certainly diminish productivity, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Here’s what you can expect of Generation Z workers in terms of productivity:

  1. They’re not just a bunch of geeky kids. They’re just more tech-savvy than older generations, since they grew up with the technology. Some view their reliance on social media as distracting and isolating, though Gen Z members themselves see it as a way to connect with people all over the world. To them, it’s a form of global networking — which can become productive indeed as they make connections with potential business partners, the worldwide audience, and the global workforce. They often see their devices as extensions of themselves. All they need to do is harness and channel these interconnective tendencies to leverage them productively. Furthermore, they’re comfortable with digital data and analytics and tend to be creative and design oriented. In most ways, their digital competence serves as a strength; and smart managers, no matter their generation, will take this into account. 
  1. They’re motivated to make contributions to the world, and by extension, to their organizations. If they get the feedback they crave, they’ll give freely of their time and energy. They enjoy volunteering and participating in community work the company gets behind. 
  1. They’re more conservative than Millennials. Gen Z workers are more likely to follow older generation’s’ ideals of structured work and hierarchies than Millennials. Despite their digital orientation, they value the human connection with their teams and prefer facetime with their leaders, with frequent feedback. As a group, they’re less prone to expect validation, and view failure as a chance to learn — the old “fail forward” concept older work generations will find familiar. They’re also very competitive and driven by financial and career goals.
  1. They prefer personalized work experiences. In this, Gen Z workers do resemble Millennials. More than a third of them (fewer so far than Millennials) see work/life balance as a priority and take this into account when choosing jobs. While more are loyal to their employers, they still want to have things their way — and in many cases they can get that, with remote working and by leveraging the gig economy. They’re also quite entrepreneurial and like their “side hustles,” though perhaps less so than Millennials. They value independence, though prefer job security more than Millennials.

 Engage, Engage, Engage!

 For the foreseeable future, Generation Z will comprise a significant portion of the workforce, and within a decade, may well dominate it. If you can engage their drive to achieve and contribute, you’ll enjoy fantastic productivity from them… but isn’t this true for every generation? Business insiders suggest mentoring and managing them with Millennials, letting them try and fail if necessary, and encouraging them to think on their feet. Let them use their devices for research and connection and take advantage of their familiarity with technology in any other way than benefits your business.

© 2023 Laura Stack. Laura Stack, MBA, CSP, CPAE is known as The Productivity Pro®. She is an award-winning keynote speaker, bestselling author, and noted authority on personal productivity. For 30 years, she has given keynote speeches and workshops on increasing workplace productivity in high-stress environments. Stack has authored eight books, including the bestselling What to Do When There’s Too Much to Do. She is a past president of the National Speakers Association and a member of the exclusive Speaker Hall of Fame. To book Laura speak at an upcoming meeting or event, contact her at www.TheProductivityPro.com.


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The Easiest Wellness Program For Employees in 2023



Putting new policies and programs together can be excruciating. Trying to figure out how to put together a wellness program for employees is now one of the highest priorities for employers. Even 75% of Human Resources employees report that employee wellness programs are now high on their lists.

It can seem daunting, confusing, and unclear what needs to happen in order for a wellness program to be put into place. With 2023 in full swing, here at WellSteps, we have crafted the easiest wellness programs for employees that you can implement right away.

The Easiest Wellness Program For Employees

WellSteps Launch: Off the Shelf Easiest Wellness Program for Employees

WellSteps Launch is a turn-key system that is all ready to go for your organization. After helping hundreds of companies for over a decade design and grow successful wellness programs, we’ve put together the best starting point for you.

Will all of the same benefits as starting from the ground up, you’ll be able to get things rolling without any wasted time or wondering what will work well. All of your employees will have increased health and wellness benefits while you don’t have to add any extra stress on your team.

It doesn’t matter how small or large your organization is. The Launch program can be adapted to any company size and still maintains essential pieces to get your people the best wellness results in the same amount of time.

All of your employees will have increased health and wellness benefits while you don’t have to add any extra stress on your team.

How WellSteps Launch Works For You

The Launch wellness program for employees has already been built for you and can be joined at the beginning of every quarter throughout the year. We have taken the most common and popular pieces of our best performing wellness programs and put them into Launch.

With all of the systems, tracking, challenges, and campaigns already in place, all you have to do is provide your company directory and choose prizes and rewards you want to give your people. That’s it! We create accounts for all of your employees and just plug them into the system.

WellSteps Launch is the easiest wellness program for employees

You’ll have a well-rounded program that runs every quarter of the year with evidence based campaigns and systems. We take care of maintaining and tracking all of your data with full confidentiality and security. It truly is the easiest wellness program for employees.

RELATED: Learn More About Our Behavior Change Campaigns Here

Highlights of the WellSteps Launch Wellness Program for Employees

  • Fully comprehensive annual program that is completed in quarterly cycles.
  • An online dashboard and program center, with a digital app for every employee.
  • Tracking tools that reward activity and provide incentives for participants.
  • Four behavior change campaigns for maximum impact.
  • Enjoyable game based challenges for teams or departments and individuals.
  • Specialized My Tracker that can sync up to wearable devices to track healthy behaviors and goals.
  • Community engagement areas for social interactions and leader-boards.

How to Get Started

If this sounds like something you’d like to Launch into your company’s new year, just take the next step and contact us. We can get all of your questions answered.

It doesn’t matter if you’re new to company wellness programs, or well experienced and want to make a change. Contact us today on getting your best wellness program for employees setup quickly and easily. We’re here for you!

nations best wellness programs for employees


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The Aftermath Of The 2022 Layoff (Infographic)



Layoffs are both painful and essential. Corporate reorganization has negative effects on organizations and their employees, from muddled emotions to decreased productivity. Victims of downsizing may experience troubles with their mental health as well as their finances. Additionally, it may have a negative impact on a survivor’s emotions and future work prospects.

But how severe are the impacts of employee layoffs on a business, the affected people, and the survivors? This was the driving question behind BizReport 2022 Layoff Aftermath Survey.

BizReport surveyed 2162 people in the United States to gain insights into this topic. 48% of the participants were layoff victims, 36% were layoff survivors, and 16% were layoff decision-makers. The participants were divided into groups and asked to answer approximately 30 questions about the effects of layoffs, attitudes toward future employment, and feelings after layoffs. To ensure that participants weren’t just answering questions mindlessly, attention-checker questions were included. Unqualified responses were not included in our analysis. In the survey, open-ended questions are employed, and the responses are afterwards standardized.

These impacts have been classified into five major groups in this survey, including:

  • Changes in employee behaviors and emotions – Layoff survivors change their working attitude and opinion on their company.
  • Financial impact of downsizing – How layoffs affect layoff victims and how businesses are helping them.
  • Psychological impact of layoffs on victims and survivors – Negative feelings come after layoff for both the victims and survivors.
  • The influence of terminations on attitudes and the future of employment – Negative changes in layoff victim’s attitudes and fewer chances for a new job.
  • The state of layoffs in the U.S. over the next 12 months – Current situation of the US. economy and layoff decision-maker’s opinion on job cutting. 

Layoffs are unavoidable, particularly in a struggling economy. Making the event as comfortable as possible for everyone involved is therefore the best course of action in this situation. When making cutback decisions, layoff decision-makers must keep their employees’ best interests in mind, and employees must make every effort to adapt to the new system as best they can.

Let’s dig deep into the results obtained from our survey to discover how layoffs affect businesses and their employees.


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17 Effective Remote Meeting Best Practices



Published on: December 15, 2022 | 

Reading time: 8m

We’ve heard it before: the remote and hybrid work models are the “new normal.” Since many companies have found that they can operate just as well (or in some cases, even better) from home, HR teams, senior leadership, and managers have been diligently crafting new policies to create a better experience for all employees regardless of where they’re logging in from.

While many parts of the workday have stayed relatively the same, one thing has definitely changed: the way we hold meetings. For large-scale discussions or town halls, the switch to virtual meetings has made things easier by simply booking a time slot and sending a meeting link instead of scrambling to find a room that can fit dozens of employees. Though some elements may have been streamlined in the shift to remote working, keeping your employees engaged during a virtual meeting poses its own set of unique challenges.

Try some of the following best practices to start hosting successful, more engaging remote meetings and hold your team’s attention every time.

Learn our best practices for successful remote team meetings

What are the challenges of leading a remote team?

The time your team has together, whether in-person or virtually, is crucial to keeping everyone connected, engaged, and productive. Because meetings (both one-on-ones and team meetings) play such a vital role in a team’s healthy functioning, they’re a great place to focus your attention.

Are you noticing a dip in your employee engagement? Try these 12 ways of increasing engagement for your remote team members.

Getting a grasp of some of the challenges your remote team is facing helps you make adjustments to your meeting calendar that will have the greatest impact.

Common remote team challenges

  • Maintaining regular communication within the team and across departments
  • Staying aligned on team priorities and broader objectives
  • Dealing with technical difficulties and adjusting to new tools and procedures
  • Navigating nonverbal cues that come with face-to-face communication
  • Finding new ways to collaborate remotely and work together efficiently
  • Staying connected on a personal level and maintaining workplace friendships

Connect with your remote team

Want to better understand your distributed team’s reality? Try sending them an engagement survey. You can use a tool like Officevibe’s Pulse Surveys to track overall team sentiment and send a custom survey to ask questions on remote work or any other topic.

Officevibe’s remote work employee survey template

17 remote meeting best practices for team leaders and managers

Team meetings are a core part of the workday in nearly every industry. They provide employees with a shared space to bounce around ideas and form stronger team bonds. So let’s dive right into how you can run successful and engaging remote meetings by trying out these best practices, sequentially.

Before your remote meeting

It goes without saying that you need to prepare ahead of any meeting you’re leading, and remote meetings are no different. Before logging on to your discussions, prep yourself with some (or all!) of these best practices.

  • Ask yourself: could this meeting have been an email? It might seem obvious, but taking a step back to pose this question could save you and your team members a lot of time to work on other tasks. Maybe the topic of your meeting could be covered in a quick email exchange, through a Slack channel, or over a good old-fashioned phone call. If that’s the case, save the meeting for a more appropriate time.
  • Choose the right tools and platforms. From Zoom and Teams to WebEx, there is no shortage of remote meeting tools and platforms. Explore which platform works best for your team and which will help you facilitate communication.
  • Send a meeting agenda. Make time to organize your thoughts and send invitees the agenda for the meeting so they can prepare themselves as well. Giving your employees an idea of what’s coming up can help them jot down any questions they might like to raise in your team meetings, general town halls, and even one-on-one sessions.
  • Cover the right topics. The time managers and employees have individually in one-on-one meetings is important for covering topics that aren’t meant for a group setting, like performance, career goals, or anything personal.
  • Schedule meetings logically. Not only is it important to plan out what you will be discussing in your remote meetings, but it’s equally as important to factor in when you’re holding said meetings. Unless absolutely necessary, avoid scheduling meetings outside of regular operating hours and late on Friday afternoons as your employees will likely be tapped out from the day or week and less likely to participate. If you have team members working in multiple time zones, schedule the virtual meeting within a time frame that is respectful for all.
a one-on-one meeting agenda in the Officevibe software
Set collaborative agendas, cover important points, and keep track of your notes in one place, with Officevibe’s one-on-one software.

During virtual meetings

You’ve booked the time. You’ve invited the right people. You’ve gathered your thoughts. Now, let’s discuss how to effectively manage things during your virtual meeting.

  • Set general housekeeping rules. It’s best to get technical details out of the way at the very beginning of your online meeting. If there is a presentation, remind team members to keep themselves on mute and jot their questions down in the chat box or save them until the end. Sometimes a lengthy meeting is unavoidable, so scheduling breaks and giving your people a breather will make for a more successful remote meeting.
  • Introduce new hires. As the meeting leader, take a moment at the beginning of the conversation to introduce new employees to the rest of the team. Starting a new job can be intimidating enough as it is, so prioritizing a great onboarding process can go a long way in making your new hires feel welcome in this digital space.
  • Encourage people to turn their cameras on… but don’t make it mandatory. While video conferencing can be a great way to connect with your teammates, everybody has different comfort levels when it comes to being on camera. And as a people leader, you have to put the well-being of your employees first and respect individual boundaries.
  • Make time for small talk. If most team members are working remotely or under a hybrid model and have fewer opportunities to chat, make time for personal and informal conversations at the beginning or end of the session. This will help your team build the same meaningful connections that would burgeon naturally during in-person meetings.
  • Remember to take notes. This one may seem like a given, but it’s easy to miss an important talking point if you’re experiencing technical issues or not recording the meeting. Ask someone in the session to help track meeting minutes and meeting notes if you need a hand.
  • Let people know ahead if you’re recording. On that note (pun intended), let meeting attendees know if you’re recording the session. Not only is it a courteous gesture, but if you have people working in different time zones, it can help them know what they have to attend live and what they can catch up on later.
  • Give everyone the opportunity to speak. Divide your time equally so everyone has the opportunity to share what they’re working on and raise any blockers they’re facing. Your virtual meeting can be a great opportunity to share ideas and gain insight from your colleagues.
  • Recognize effort and achievements. Virtual meetings are a great opportunity to shout out recent wins and highlight team efforts. You can give kudos during one-on-ones or in a larger team setting if your employees are comfortable with it, or take a beat to encourage peer-to-peer recognition.
  • Keep it engaging. Successful virtual meetings are engaging meetings. If you’re holding a day-long brainstorming session or workshop, keeping your employees engaged for the entire meeting can be challenging, but it shouldn’t stop you from trying! Take a few minutes for icebreaker activities, and if the platform you’re using allows for it, test out the poll, quiz, and breakout room features.

💡Whether you’re managing a remote team or a hybrid workforce, it’s of the utmost importance that you connect with your people on a genuine level. Check out these fun employee engagement ideas to keep building relationships with your team!

After your online meetings

What you do after holding your remote meetings is just as important as the session itself. Make sure everyone is on the same page with the following tips.

  • Schedule follow-ups. Even if you share the agenda ahead of time, it’s easy to get sidetracked from the main topic in your remote meetings. If there are things that still need to be addressed, schedule a one-on-one or another team meeting within a realistic timeframe to keep new ideas fresh in your mind.
  • Share a recap. This is where your stellar note-taking abilities will come in handy. If you’re managing remote teams, not all of your employees will be in the same time zone and able to attend the session. Make your workplace more accessible by sending a recap with the meeting’s main points and if you recorded the session, send that along, too!
  • Set action items and track goals. After your remote meeting, it’s important to share, in writing, the next steps with your team. Setting goals and clear expectations help your team stay on track and is crucial for bolstering employee engagement.

Pro tip: Send out a custom survey after your meeting to get feedback from your team. Ask how they felt about the agenda, talking points, and output. They might have suggestions for how you can keep participants engaged and improve things for future meetings.

How to lead better online meetings for better remote teamwork

When you really understand the challenges your remote or distributed team is facing in their day-to-day, you can use that to improve your remote meetings and make them more engaging. Improved communications make a world of difference for the better functioning of virtual teams, and meetings are a key part of those communication practices.

Keeping your team engaged is at the heart of a productive and happy workplace. Whether you’re managing a fully remote or hybrid team, you can start applying some best practices to your team meetings and make the most out of your time together.


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