WorkPod Minisode: Rapid fire with Jeffery Hull

0 This rapid-fire round covers a wide range of workplace-related topics in a short duration. The answers are quick, snappy, and insightful. In this video Jeffery Hull, Author of "flex", with his vast experience of working leaders walks us through the basic tenets of leadership and the importance of having a coach or a mentor at the early stages of our...

WorkPod Minisode: Looking through a conflict

0 In the world of gig/flex and wfh world how do coaches and managers inspire employees in relationship development? In this video, the author of Influencing Up, gives us some hacks to deal with some of the most obvious biases we witness in the workplace. The second half of the video attempts to define workplace conflict with tips to deal with...

Top Ten Videos on Mindfulness to Implement in Your Work Life


All It Takes Is 10 Mindful Minutes The Art of Stillness Jon Kabat-Zinn defines ‘what is mindfulness’ (5 minutes) The Practice of Mindfulness Ellen Langer: The dangers of mindlessness and the power of mindfulness (22 minutes) The Mindful Way Through Depression Eckhart Tolle on ‘The Essence of Meditation” (8 minutes) Mindfulness and Healing The history of MBSR (mindfulness based stress reduction) Short video from the Center for Mindfulness...

Tips to Motivate Your Employees for Better Productivity


Since the past few years, boosting employee productivity has been the heart of organizational success. Despite today's influx of differing technologies in the work environment like AI, automation, outsourcing, and various other software application systems, a substantial chunk is still individuals. Motivating your workers to boost productivity might appear hard. But, unfortunately, workforce performance isn't as easy as tracking their breaks...

WorkPod Minisode: Rapid Fire with Michael Solomon

0 In this video, Michael Solomon, author of Game Changer, indulges us in a quick question and answer session on various work-related topics. To watch the full podcast of Michael Solomon follow on: STAY CONNECTEDSubscribe to see more videos like this: Website: Twitter: Podcast:iTunes: YouTube:

Top 9 Books on Conflict Management


The Conflict Pivot Negotiate Without Fear Resolving Everyday Conflict by Ken Sande & Kevin Johnson The Dance of Opposites: Explorations in Mediation, Dialogue and Conflict Resolution Systems Design High Conflict Changing the Conversation by Dana Caspersen Beyond Neutrality: Confronting the Crisis in Conflict Resolution How to Manage Conflicts The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni

WorkPod Minisode: #FutureOfWork: Gig, WFH & Freelance

0 The pandemic has thrown open the gig/freelance/WFH world. Is this a temporary phenomenon or is it here to stay? In this video, Melissa Riberio, a diversity champion and leader talks to us about how leaders and employees are looking at the current gig/freelance/wfh development. She also gives a picture of how the future of work could like. To watch the full...

Top Future of Work Podcasts


a16z The a16z Podcast discusses tech and culture trends, news, and the future – especially as ‘software eats the world’. It features industry experts, business leaders, and other interesting thinkers and voices from around the world. This podcast is produced by Andreessen Horowitz (aka “a16z”), a Silicon Valley-based venture capital firm. Multiple episodes are released every week; visit for...

WorkPod: Art of dealing with conflict to better the future!

0 In this show, Susan Schmitt Winchester shared her journey to a leadership role of a Fortune 500 company. She shared her journey through her troubled childhood and how she copes up with her past and grow into the future. Susan shared wisdom on how to use the workplace as a healing vehicle and how everyone could achieve success by...

Top Companies Providing Work From Home


Zoom Video Communications Zoom Video Communications, Inc. develops a people-centric cloud service that transforms real-time collaboration experience. The Company offers unified meeting experience, a cloud service that provides a 3-in-1 meeting platform with HD video conferencing, mobility, and web meetings. Zoom Video Communications serves customers worldwide. Adobe Adobe Systems makes software that helps customers create, distribute, and manage digital content from the...