WorkPod: Art of dealing with conflict to better the future!

0 In this show, Susan Schmitt Winchester shared her journey to a leadership role of a Fortune 500 company. She shared her journey through her troubled childhood and how she copes up with her past and grow into the future. Susan shared wisdom on how to use the workplace as a healing vehicle and how everyone could achieve success by...

Top Companies Providing Work From Home


Zoom Video Communications Zoom Video Communications, Inc. develops a people-centric cloud service that transforms real-time collaboration experience. The Company offers unified meeting experience, a cloud service that provides a 3-in-1 meeting platform with HD video conferencing, mobility, and web meetings. Zoom Video Communications serves customers worldwide. Adobe Adobe Systems makes software that helps customers create, distribute, and manage digital content from the...

WorkPod Minisode: Leadership, part, present and the future

0 The culture of a company and leadership is a bit of a chicken and egg scenario. Does leadership influence culture or visa versa? In this video Jeffery Hull, Author of "flex", with his vast experience of working leaders walks us through the basic tenets of leadership and the importance of having a coach or a mentor at the early...

Top 11 Blogs on Career Development


Career Contessa The career site built for women that helps you job search, change careers, and advance in your current position. Real talk guaranteed. Topics & highlights: career advice, actionable worksheets, webinars, and personalised career coaching. Link: Career Savvy Career Savvy is a Big Community of Enthusiastic Young Entrepreneurs and students who want to achieve something big in life. Topics & highlights: Job hunting...

5 Tips to Boost Group Efficiency Through Environmental Modifications


Think of locking each workday with a happy and satisfied, knowing that you had been so productive that you accomplished whatever was on your list. And recognizing, as well, that you were at the top of your creative game-- getting your tasks done efficiently and also well. See yourself whistling as you leave work at the end of your...

WorkPod Minisode: Finding growth in gig economy

0 Talent development is an evolutionary process. A talented employee a decade ago may find his skills obsolete placed in today's work environment. In this video, Michael Solomon, author of Game Changer, talks about managing and developing talent. The second part of the video talks about who should take the responsibility of talent management in a company. To watch the full podcast...

WorkPod Minisode: Journey As A Women Leader

0 Even in the 21st century we're still trying to close the gender inequality gap despite the proven fact that companies with a higher representation of women are more profitable than those that don't. In this video, Melissa Riberio, a diversity champion and leader talks to us about the gender and culture issue from a personal point of view. To watch the...

WorkPod: Future of Thriving Startup CXO

0 In this podcast, Matt Blumberg discussed his book Startup CXO, the insights it carries and shared how to build a thriving leadership that builds for tomorrow today. He sheds light on the importance of a good leader and how to achieve it effectively. Matt's Recommended Read: The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers...

WorkPod Minisode: Is leadership an art or science?

0 Where is leadership placed? Is leaning towards arts or is a becoming more and more a scientific phenomenon? In this video Jeffery Hull, Author of "flex", with his vast experience of working leaders walks us through the basic tenets of leadership and the importance of having a coach or a mentor at the early stages of our career. For a slightly...

WorkPod Minisode: Easy Ways for Companies to Adapt Change

0 In a constantly changing world that is constantly bringing in new demands to meet customer satisfaction, how can company's reinvent themselves? In this video, Ram Charan, co-author of the bestselling Execution and Confronting Reality, talks about the three ways businesses can adapt to the changing times. The end of the video also talks about how leaders can break through the...