WorkPod Minisode: Quick trick for growing faster

0 We know what are visionaries in the context of business but who are super visionaries? In this video, Michael Solomon, author of Game Changer, defines the concept of super visionary and the role they play in guiding a company or it's people perform better. He also talks about the dichotomy of employee loyalty and retention vis a vis the gig...

Flexible Work For All


The need for freedom is ingrained in our DNA. During the Covid pandemic it’s mostly the knowledge workers and the white collar jobs that profited from work from home/remote model. The rest of the workers who don’t fit this description such as retail employees, on-site essential personnel or IT field technicians also want more autonomy and flexibility. The need...

WorkPod Minisode: Fabric Of An AI-First Company

0 What is an AI-First company? What does an AI-First company do differently? How can companies prioritize AI? In this video, Ash Fontana, author of "AI-First Company" explains to us some of the qualifying criteria for an AI-first company. He also talks to us about some other concepts mentioned in his book such as the data learning effect and ultimately what's...

Innovations and Adaptability – Key to Survive The Wrath of the Pandemic


The Covid pandemic has turned the world of work upside down. While some companies are coming to grips with this new reality, some others are struggling to survive. The key to survive in these difficult times is adaptability and innovation. The most visible form of innovation is the large number of companies that adapting remote work or hybrid models....

WorkPod: Frank Calderoni on Upstanding Company Character to Succeed

0 In this session, Frank Calderoni, CEO Anaplan shared how to build a company that sees hypergrowth by upstanding the character of the company. He shared his insights on his journey in leading a large organization while still maintaining the character-led culture. Bio: Frank Calderoni is the Chief Executive Officer of Anaplan and the chairman of the company’s board of directors. Frank...

The Four-day Work Week


To some employees and companies it may seem ridiculous to have a four-day work week but to those who analyse work trends from a century ago will understand that this was bound to happen. In 1890, when industrialization was booming it was estimated that that a full-time employee worked for an average 100 hours a week in a manufacturing...

WorkPod Minisode: Tenets of a good to great leader

0 We see leadership all around us and we assume we know what it is. But the truth is each person will have a different definition of leadership. In this video Jeffery Hull, Author of "flex", with his vast experience of working leaders walks us through the basic tenets of leadership and the importance of having a coach or a mentor...

WorkPod Minisode: How to master conflict management

0 A Gallup research says that those who develop friendships at work are seven times more likely to be engaged at work. But building these relationships and handling conflict require a certain level of maturity. In this video, the author of Influencing Up, gives us some hacks to deal with some of the most obvious biases we witness in the workplace....

Top 6 High-Level Changes to Implement for Better Productivity


Some individuals hold themselves accountable by logging work with productivity applications, while others rely on blog sites and books inspiring performance quotes. Regardless of how you encourage on your own to get points carried out in the work environment, from time to time, we all find ourselves looking for productivity suggestions to keep us moving forward. And if you...

WorkPod Minisode: Growth hack made easy

0 With companies creating more and more specialized roles to get projects done more effectively and efficiently, hence the workforce also needs to develop specialized skills. The age of the generalist are coming to an end. In this video, Michael Solomon, author of Game Changer, talks about the rapidly changing workforce in the times of tech disruptions by providing real world...