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Tips to Motivate Your Employees for Better Productivity


Since the past few years, boosting employee productivity has been the heart of organizational success.

Despite today’s influx of differing technologies in the work environment like AI, automation, outsourcing, and various other software application systems, a substantial chunk is still individuals.

Motivating your workers to boost productivity might appear hard. But, unfortunately, workforce performance isn’t as easy as tracking their breaks or limiting the moment spent on unpreventable social networking.

But introducing some motivating measures in the workplace will show some surprising results over a period.

Offer monetary rewards

Study shows, unsurprisingly, that there’s a positive relationship between financial incentives and productivity while working; meaning, providing your employees raises, benefits, and performance-based awards will undoubtedly make them work extra proficiently.

Consider attaching a monetary prize to a detailed objective you’re attempting to complete, such as a $100 incentive for anybody who can deal with a bug in your software application within the hour, or creating lasting incentives, like salary hikes associated with the experience.

Incentives are a viable option if you want to sweeten the pot, boost productivity, and also boost morale at the same time.

Offer time-based rewards

You can also comparably provide time-based rewards and incentives. For example, instead of giving a person a $100 incentive, you might let them leave early for a day. Furthermore, instead of providing a raise, you can give them an added holiday day or let them go early occasionally.

This has two impacts; firstly, it makes employees seem like they’ve been adequately compensated for their hard work, and secondly, the extra time away from work will certainly work as a break or vacation, which can eventually lower anxiety, boost morale, and also result in a better productivity.

Use both team-based and individual goals

Some managers like to use team goals to encourage employees, such as establishing a cumulative sales target or making every effort to decrease customer churn to a lower degree. This is beneficial since it cultivates a team attitude and bonding between your team members; it likewise allows your employees’ strengths and weaknesses to complement one another.

Others favor using specific objectives as motivation, creating distinct goal strategies customized to individuals’ strengths, weaknesses, and needs. This is helpful because it aids each individual enhance, as well as gives you extra flexibility with your team.

So which one’s much better?

Instead of optimizing your strategy to focus on one group of goals, try using both; established team goals to inspire team effort and bonding and specific goals to help each participant accomplish their real possibility.

Create and distribute a list of accomplishments

At regular intervals: the end of the day or week, or month, consider distributing an email with a list of accomplishments by your team member. They can be extensive and essential– like completing a significant client project– or tiny, and very easy to miss out on– like making a fresh pot of coffee.

It is imperative that you openly recognize people for the important things they’ve done well; it makes your workers feel great, inspires other individuals to be better, and sets a criterion for the type of habits you’re seeking.

Also, it’s 100 percent positive, so you don’t need to focus on weak points or problems to improve.

WorkPod Minisode: Rapid Fire with Michael Solomon


In this video, Michael Solomon, author of Game Changer, indulges us in a quick question and answer session on various work-related topics.

To watch the full podcast of Michael Solomon follow on: https://work2.org/workpod-tricks-to-achieve-game-changing-career-growth/

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Top 9 Books on Conflict Management


The Conflict Pivot

If you’ve been told not to take conflict personally, you only have half the story. Conflict in business and personal relationships can be deeply personal. The key to your freedom is knowing why certain conflicts get their hooks into you, and what you can do to liberate yourself. This is a book about finding that key in order to resolve nagging conflict and prevent inconsequential conflict from cluttering your life. In The Conflict Pivot, veteran mediator, coach, and conflict resolution teacher Tammy Lenski shares the powerful, simplified approach she developed to transform conflict into peace of mind. Now you, too, can pivot away from what keeps you stuck in conflict and toward what will free you from ongoing tension at work or home.

Negotiate Without Fear

With Negotiate Without Fear: Strategies and Tools to Maximize Your Outcomes, master negotiator, Kellogg professor, and accomplished CEO Victoria Medvec delivers an authoritative and practical resource for eliminating the fear that impedes success in negotiation. In this book, readers will discover unique and proprietary negotiation strategies honed over decades advising Fortune 500 clients on high-stakes, complex negotiations.

Resolving Everyday Conflict by Ken Sande & Kevin Johnson

Ken Sande, author of the bestselling classic The Peacemaker, has long been a trusted resource on the topic of conflict resolution. In Resolving Everyday Conflict, Sande distills his message to the essentials, quickly equipping readers with the tools they need to bring peace to their relationships. Everyone encounters conflict–whether it be with a coworker, family member, friend, or complete stranger. And yet we all desire harmony in our relationships. Resolving Everyday Conflict is a practical, biblical, concise guide to peacemaking in everyday life that can turn tumultuous relationships into peaceful ones.

The Dance of Opposites: Explorations in Mediation, Dialogue and Conflict Resolution Systems Design

“The Dance of Opposites: Explorations in Mediation, Dialogue and Conflict Resolution Systems Design” explores a new vision for conflict resolution, a “conflict revolution” that analyzes the use of language in conflict, the narrative structure of conflict stories, and how the brain responds to conflict. It surveys religion, spirituality, and meditation, and searches for ways of opening heartfelt communications between opponents.

High Conflict

That’s what “high conflict” does. It’s the invisible hand of our time. And it’s different from the useful friction of healthy conflict. That’s good conflict, and it’s a necessary force that pushes us to be better people.

High conflict, by contrast, is what happens when discord distills into a good-versus-evil kind of feud, the kind with an us and a them. In this state, the normal rules of engagement no longer apply. The brain behaves differently. We feel increasingly certain of our own superiority and, at the same time, more and more mystified by the other side.

Changing the Conversation by Dana Caspersen

From Joost Elffers, the packaging genius behind the huge New York Times bestsellers The 48 Laws of Power, The 33 Strategies of War, and The Art of Seduction, comes this invaluable manual that teaches seventeen fundamentals for turning any conflict into an opportunity for growth. Beautifully packaged in a graphic, two-color format, Changing the Conversation is written by conflict expert Dana Caspersen and is filled with real-life examples, spot-on advice, and easy-to-grasp exercises that demonstrate transformative ways to break out of destructive patterns, to create useful dialogue in difficult situations, and to find long-lasting solutions for conflicts. Sure to claim its place next to Getting to Yes, this guide will be a go-to resource for resolving conflicts.

Beyond Neutrality: Confronting the Crisis in Conflict Resolution

In this thought-provoking, passionately written book, Bernard Mayer—an internationally acclaimed leader in the field—dares practitioners to ask the hard questions about alternative dispute resolution. What’s wrong with conflict resolution? Why aren’t more individuals and organizations using conflict resolution when they have a problem? Why doesn’t the public know more about it? What are the limits of conflict resolution? When does conflict resolution work and when does it not? Offering a committed practitioner’s critique of the profession of mediation, arbitration, and alternative dispute resolution, Beyond Neutrality focuses on the current crisis in the field of conflict resolution and offers a pragmatic response.

How to Manage Conflicts

Are you struggling to get those involved in conflicts to sit down and listen? Do you feel like every time you try to resolve a conflict; it just makes it worse? “How to Manage Conflicts” is a great guide to help you make a move from putting band-aids on problems to finding real resolutions. Resolving conflicts can be challenging. However, you can arm yourself with these 7 easy steps that will help you craft communication skills and learn the process to do more than just manage conflicts, but also to help to prevent them.As a person who is distressed by communicating a message or tasks, you have to gain the buy-in of the other party and get both parties to listen to each other. As a person who is resolving conflict, you have to be able to assess the situation and not form a judgment in one way or another. The guidance you can gain from within these chapters will help you to grow as a communicator, but also as a person.

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni

In The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Patrick Lencioni once again offers a leadership fable that is as enthralling and instructive as his first two best-selling books, The Five Temptations of a CEO and The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive. This time, he turns his keen intellect and storytelling power to the fascinating, complex world of teams.

WorkPod Minisode: #FutureOfWork: Gig, WFH & Freelance


The pandemic has thrown open the gig/freelance/WFH world. Is this a temporary phenomenon or is it here to stay?

In this video, Melissa Riberio, a diversity champion and leader talks to us about how leaders and employees are looking at the current gig/freelance/wfh development. She also gives a picture of how the future of work could like.

To watch the full podcast of Melissa Ribeiro follow us on: https://youtu.be/3xgLVSo1fG4

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Website: https://work2.org/category/workpod-minisode/

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Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2S3JFQ1

YouTube: https://bit.ly/3xmJxdl
Newsletter: https://bit.ly/3xm3bpQ

Top Future of Work Podcasts



The a16z Podcast discusses tech and culture trends, news, and the future – especially as ‘software eats the world’. It features industry experts, business leaders, and other interesting thinkers and voices from around the world. This podcast is produced by Andreessen Horowitz (aka “a16z”), a Silicon Valley-based venture capital firm. Multiple episodes are released every week; visit a16z.com for more details and to sign up for our newsletters and other content as well!

Innovation Hub

Innovation Hub looks at how to reinvent our world – from medicine to education, relationships to time management. Great thinkers and great ideas, designed to make your life better.

The Future of Work Podcast With Jacob Morgan

The world is changing quickly. What do you need to know and do in order to be successful now and in the future? Join futurist, best-selling author, and speaker Jacob Morgan as he interviews some of the world’s top business leaders, educators, and authors. From leadership to employee experience to the future of work, get the insights and the tools you need to succeed and thrive at work and in life. If you want to future proof your career and your organization then this is the show for you!

IDEO Futures

The IDEO Futures podcast: where entrepreneurship meets design.

We love the art and science of bringing cool stuff to life. We are designers dedicated to the notion of building to think. Our motto is always, “Don’t get ready, get started!”

In that spirit, we focus on getting better with each episode we make. For the best listening experience, we recommend starting with our latest episode. Or Episode 10.

The New Way We Work

Fast Company deputy editor Kate Davis takes listeners on a journey through the changing landscape of our work lives and explains what we need to build the future we want.

Reimagine Work

Reimagine Work is one of the top future of work podcasts hosted by Paul Millerd of Boundless. Reimagine Work explores our modern relationship with work and features conversations with philosophers, freelancers, self-employed entrepreneurs, thinkers and generous humans who share their perspective on the anxiety of the modern work experience, personal reinvention, creativity, sabbaticals, leisure, self-employment, unconventional living, digital nomadism, and corporate culture. Join Paul as he shares his own reflections and tries to learn from others.

Back to Work

Back to Work is an award winning talk show with Merlin Mann and Dan Benjamin discussing productivity, communication, work, barriers, constraints, tools, and more. Hosted by Merlin Mann & Dan Benjamin.

Exponential View with Azeem Azhar

How will the future unfold? What is the impact of technology on business & society? As technology reorders the world in which live, who will be the winners and who will be the losers? Join Azeem Azhar, curator of the Exponential View newsletter, in deep conversation with the world’s leading thinkers and practitioners exploring these and other important questions.

Future Of Work® Podcast by Allwork.Space

In this new podcast series from Allwork.Space, we invite experts in technology, commercial real estate, flexible work and human resources to dive into the forces that impact the human workplace experience and explore the dramatic changes that are shaping the future of work.


Exponent, a production of Stratechery.com, is hosted by Ben Thompson and James Allworth.

In this program we seek to explore the massive effect technology is having not just on technology companies, but also on society as a whole. Ben Thompson is the author of Stratechery, a blog about the business and strategy of technology. James Allworth is the co-author with Clay Christensen of “How Will You Measure Your Life” and a writer for the Harvard Business Review.

WorkPod: Art of dealing with conflict to better the future!


In this show, Susan Schmitt Winchester shared her journey to a leadership role of a Fortune 500 company. She shared her journey through her troubled childhood and how she copes up with her past and grow into the future. Susan shared wisdom on how to use the workplace as a healing vehicle and how everyone could achieve success by keeping their conflict as a progressive tool to achieve success. She shared ways to have a better working life.

Meet Susan! Susan Schmitt Winchester is the Senior Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer for Applied Materials, and its more than 23,000 global employees. She has more than 30 years of experience in HR providing executive leadership most recently at Rockwell Automation and the Kellogg Company. She continually looks to meet today’s global business challenges with creative HR strategies that engage people, support a dynamic, inclusive corporate culture, and enable company exceptional performance. Her passion is teaching executives and professionals how to succeed by discovering greater self-acceptance, fulfillment, and joy at work and in life. She has lived, studied, and worked in the United States, France, and England. She earned her master’s degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Illinois State University, and her double bachelor’s from Albion College in Michigan. She also attended the University of Grenoble, France. Susan is a fellow of the National Academy of Human Resources-the highest professional honor for individuals in HR. She is also Vice-Chair, Leadership Advisory Board to the Dean of Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Michigan. And she is a member of the Forbes HR Council. She and her husband Charles live in southeastern Wisconsin, near Susan’s sons Joseph and Sam. To follow her online, learn more about her programs, courses, and other opportunities to learn, or contact her directly, go here: https: //www.linkedin.com/in/sjschmitt/ www.susanjschmitt.com

Susan’s Book Link:

Susan’s Book: Healing at Work: A Guide to Using Career Conflicts to Overcome Your Past and Build the Future You Deserve by Susan Schmitt Winchester https://amzn.to/3rDzor7


Here’s the GPS for the questions (These are just the boundaries questions to give a rough journey for the conversation):

Stage 1: Lead-in
1. Starter: Give your starter pitch 1 point that this book points to:
2. Vishal briefly introduce guest

Stage 2: Subject Matter Expertise
3. Walk us through your journey as a female leader having to big ranks at a large organization?
4. What is your secret as a female leader to finding success that you want other aspiring leaders to follow?
5. How would you see the future of the organization today?
6. What is the role of HR leaders for an organization?
7. How has HR evolved over the past years and where are you seeing it go next?

Stage 3: Introduction as an author
8.Why talk about healing?
9. Why conflicts are important?
10. What is bumper car movement?
11. You talk about an unconscious wounded career path, what does that mean?
12. You talked about self-acceptance, the first person you hire is yourself, Could you elaborate a bit more?
13. Why do you call the workplace a lab for emotional healing?
14. How do you keep a check on your own anger? What is the role of a leader when it comes to providing emotional support?
15. Who is the ideal reader for the book?
16. What is the incentive for a business to invest in employee healing?

Stage 4: Rapid Fire[Say what comes to your mind]
17 a. #FutureOfWork
17 b. #Technology
17 c. #Leadership
17 d. #Conflict
17 e. #Culture
17 f. #DigitalTransformation
17 g. #Disruption
17 h. #JobsOfFuture
17 i. #Empathy
17 j. #FutureofOrganization
17 k. #HealingAtWork

Stage 5: Closing
18. What are 1-3 best practices that you think are the key to success in your journey?
19. Do you have any favorite read?
20. As a closing remark, what would you like to tell our audience?

About TAO.ai[Sponsor]:
TAO is building the World’s largest and AI-powered Skills Universe and Community powering career development platform empowering some of the World’s largest communities/organizations. Learn more at https://TAO.ai

About WorkPod:
Work Pod takes you on the journey with leaders, experts, academics, authors, and change-makers designing the future of work, workers, and the workplace.

About Work2.org
WorkPod is managed by Work2.org, a #FutureOfWork community for HR and Organization architects and leaders.

Sponsorship / Guest Request should be directed to [email protected]

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Top Companies Providing Work From Home


Zoom Video Communications

Zoom Video Communications, Inc. develops a people-centric cloud service that transforms real-time collaboration experience. The Company offers unified meeting experience, a cloud service that provides a 3-in-1 meeting platform with HD video conferencing, mobility, and web meetings. Zoom Video Communications serves customers worldwide.


Adobe Systems makes software that helps customers create, distribute, and manage digital content from the cloud. One of the top publishing software providers, it has been known for brands such as Acrobat, Photoshop, and Marketing Cloud. Adobe serves customers such as content creators and web application developers with its digital media products, and marketers, advertisers, publishers, and others with its digital marketing business. A long-time publisher of traditional software packages, Adobe is moving its products to cloud-based versions. Subscriptions account for about 90% of revenue.


Appen provides data used for the development of machine learning and artificial intelligence products. Data types include speech and natural language data, image and video data, text and alphanumeric data and relevance data to improve search and social media engines. Its customers use machine learning for a variety of use cases including automatic speech recognition (ASR), and computer vision.


TTEC (pronounced t.tec) We help companies build engaged, happy, profitable customer experiences powered by our combination of humanity and technology.


Amazon is an international e-commerce website for consumers, sellers, and content creators. It offers users merchandise and content purchased for resale from vendors and those offered by third-party sellers.

Operating in North American and International markets, Amazon provides its services through websites such as amazon.com and amazon.ca. Italso enables authors, musicians, filmmakers, app developers, and others to publish and sell content via its branded websites.
Amazon also provides Kindle Direct Publishing, an online platform that allows independent authors and publishers to make their books available in the Kindle Store. In addition, it provides co-branded credit card agreements and advertising services, serves developers and enterprises through Amazon Web Services, and manufactures and sells electronic devices.

It offers Amazon Prime which is an annual membership program. It provides free shipping, streaming, and access to books to borrow and read on a Kindle device.

The company was founded in 1994 and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington.


Lionbridge partners with brands to break barriers and build bridges all over the world. For more than 20 years, we have helped companies connect with global customers and employees by delivering localization and training data services in 350+ languages. Through our world-class platform, we orchestrate a network of one million passionate experts in5000+ cities, who partner with brands to create culturally rich experiences. Relentless in our love of linguistics, we use the best of human and machine intelligence to forge understanding that resonates with our customers’ customers. Based in Waltham, Mass., Lionbridge maintains solution centers in 26 countries. Learn more at www.lionbridge.com.


Dell transforms computing and provides high quality solutions that empower people to do more all over the world.


Atlassian produces software that helps teams work together more efficiently and effectively. The company provides project planning and management software, collaboration tools, and IT help desk solutions. The company operates in four segments: subscriptions (term licenses and cloud agreements), maintenance (annual maintenance contracts that providesupport and periodic updates and are generally attached to perpetual license sales), perpetual license (upfront sale for indefinite usage of the software), and other (training, strategic consulting, and revenue from the Atlassian Marketplace app store).


VIPKid is a global education technology company that connects children with the world’s best teachers for real-time online English immersion learning.VIPKid’s mission is to inspire and empower every child for the future. VIPKid envisions a global classroom that empowers students and teachers through personalized learning, connection of culturesacross the world and the passion for lifelong learning. It believes that education is not one-size-fits-all, rather, all students are unique and the world is within their reach when connected with great teachers capable of personalizing learning and sparking curiosity.


Hopper is a travel app that uses predictive analytics to make travel recommendations.

The mobile application uses big data to predict and analyze airfare and accommodations. Hopper provides travelers with the information they need to get the best deals on flights and hotels and notifies them when prices are at their predicted lowest points.

In2007, Frederic Lalonde and Joost Ouwerkerk co-founded Hopper in Montréal, Quebec.

Capital One

Capital One Financial Corporation, incorporated in July 21, 1994, is a diversified banking company focused primarily on consumer and commercial lending and deposit origination.

Its principal business segments are Local Banking and National Lending. Local Banking includes consumer, small business and commercial deposits, and lending conductedwithin its branch network. The National Lending segment consists of three sub-segments:
– The U.S. Card sub-segment, which consists of domestic consumer credit and debit card activities;

– The Auto Finance sub-segment, which includes automobile and other motor vehicle financing activities,

– The Global Financial Services sub-segment consisting of international lending activities, small business lending, installment loans, home loans, healthcare financing and other diversified activities.


Liveops offers an on-demand skilled workforce of onshore virtual agents for customer service and sales. With no call center overhead or wasted idle time, our pay-per-use model scales to meet seasonal or time of day spikes in demand. More than 400 organizations across service industries including retail, healthcare, insurance and telecom trustLiveops to deliver an enterprise-grade workforce, with faster program readiness, increased revenue, and greater customer satisfaction scores than traditional call centers.

WorkPod Minisode: Leadership, part, present and the future


The culture of a company and leadership is a bit of a chicken and egg scenario. Does leadership influence culture or visa versa?

In this video Jeffery Hull, Author of “flex”, with his vast experience of working leaders walks us through the basic tenets of leadership and the importance of having a coach or a mentor at the early stages of our career.

For a slightly more in-depth look at leadership, click on the following link for the full podcast: https://work2.org/workpod-the-art-and-science-of-leadership


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Website: https://work2.org/category/workpod-minisode/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/work2dot0

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Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2S3JFQ1

YouTube: https://bit.ly/3xmJxdl
Newsletter: https://bit.ly/3xm3bpQ

Top 11 Blogs on Career Development


Career Contessa

The career site built for women that helps you job search, change careers, and advance in your current position. Real talk guaranteed.

Topics & highlights: career advice, actionable worksheets, webinars, and personalised career coaching.

Link: https://www.careercontessa.com/

Career Savvy

Career Savvy is a Big Community of Enthusiastic Young Entrepreneurs and students who want to achieve something big in life.

Topics & highlights: Job hunting and interviews, career development, money saving, self employment, student and graduate advice.

Link: https://www.careersavvy.co.uk/

Prolific Living

Prolific Living shows businesses and individuals how to stop selling, build deep trust, and grow their profits.

Topics & highlights: getting to know yourself, finding your path, and staying motivated in your corporate job.

Link: https://www.prolificliving.com/

Girl Boss

Founded by serial entrepreneur and New York Times Bestselling author Sophia Amoruso, Girlboss was born from the book that inspired a generation of women to take action in their own lives. Today, we have a small but brilliant team of editors, creatives, and technology professionals working to build something that’s never been built before.

Topics & highlights: women centric career advice.

Link: https://www.girlboss.com/

G2 Career Advice Learning Hub

G2 is the world’s largest tech marketplace where businesses can discover, review, and manage the technology they need to reach their potential.

Topics & highlights: Job hunting and interviews, career development, leaving your job.

Link: https://learn.g2.com/hub/career-advice

Penelope Trunk

Penelope Trunk (born Adrienne Roston; legal name Adrienne Greenheart; December 10, 1966) is an American businesswoman, author, and blogger. Her work focuses on the intersection of work and life. Trunk is the author of the books Brazen Careerist: The New Rules for SuccessThe New American Dream: A Blueprint for a New Path to Success, and The Power of Mentors: The Guide to Finding and Learning from Your Ideal Mentor. She blogged at Brazen Careerist before leaving that company.

Topics & highlights: Marketing, PR, Public Relations, Branding, Brand Building, Content Development, Content Management, Online Media, Digital Marketing, Social Media, Community Building, Startups, Blockchain, Crypto, Hiring, Recruiting, Career Management, Ed Tech, Farming, Consumer Software, Public Speaking, Brand Evangelism.

Link: https://penelopetrunk.com/

Idealist Careers

Idealist connects millions of idealists – people who want to do good – with opportunities for action and collaboration all over the world.

Topics & highlights: career planning, internships, entrepreneurial endeavors, networking skills, workflow hacks.

Link: https://www.idealist.org/en/careers?pq=&searchMode=true

The Daily Muse

We are your ultimate career destination, offering exciting job opportunities, expert advice, and a peek behind the scenes into fantastic companies and career paths. We believe that you can and should love your job—and be successful at it—and we want to help make that happen. Whether you’re just starting out, changing career paths, or aiming for the C-suite, we’ve got everything you need to take charge of your career. 

Topics & highlights: Job search and interviewing, career development, management, break-room.

Link: https://www.themuse.com/tags/career-advice


A work fashion blog offering fashion, lifestyle, and career advice for overachieving chicks.

Topics & highlights: fashion and lifestyle for professional women.

Link: https://corporette.com/


Lifehacker Australia redefines personal productivity with tips, tricks and hacks to improve your life.

Topics & highlights: job interviews, workplace trends, productivity, communication, career hacks.

Link: https://www.lifehacker.com.au/


Expert career advice on CVs, cover letters, interviews.

Topics & highlights: Job search and interviewing, career development, salary search.

Link: https://www.reed.co.uk/career-advice

5 Tips to Boost Group Efficiency Through Environmental Modifications


Think of locking each workday with a happy and satisfied, knowing that you had been so productive that you accomplished whatever was on your list. And recognizing, as well, that you were at the top of your creative game– getting your tasks done efficiently and also well. See yourself whistling as you leave work at the end of your shift?

Here are a few things you can alter in your workplace to get the best out of your team.

Let in more natural light

This can seem like a small change but it’s an important one to allow even more natural light.

Workers in offices with windows were subjected to 173 percent more white light than those in closed workplaces. As a result, those workers obtained an average of 46 mins of additional rest every evening, reported much less stress, and were more productive in total.

Exposure to all-natural light (or an all-natural light substitute) is also connected to a reduced risk for anxiety and depression, which can make your workers happier and much more efficient.

Suppose your office doesn’t have windows currently, and you don’t feel like doing restoration or moving. In that case, you can use all-natural light replicating lights to fill in the voids here– or you can invest more time outside, such as having early morning meetings walking the building.

Create a communal break room

Think about sprucing up a space of your office to be a communal break area. And also, of course, most recreational areas are (almost necessarily) communal. However, your task is to develop a room where your employees feel welcomed and want to engage with each other.

Team members who seem like they have a buddy in the office are a lot more likely to report high engagement. When your employees are comfortable chatting and hanging around with each other, they’ll be a lot more comfortable interacting. So make your break area an ample, open space with welcoming colors and perhaps even a ping pong table to give them something to bond over.

Change the seating arrangements

Shaking up the seating arrangements in your office can do a lot of good for your team’s general efficiency. But, first, you ought to understand that not all office floor plans function equally well for all employees.

An “open” workplace strategy, with very few walls to motivate collaboration, can prevent productivity in some cases, minimizing face-to-face interactions by as high as 70 percent.

This is mainly because employees feel less personal privacy and fewer personal boundaries, so it may not be applicable to all jobs. Transforming your desks and seating plans permits you to experiment and learn what works best for everyone.

It likewise offers your employees something novel in their work lives, separating the struggle of coming into the same chair and very same space, with the very same views daily.

Minimize distractions

Disturbances have the power to disrupt anyone’s performance and can come up in a range of forms. When your concentration is broken, it can take you around 23 minutes to restore it entirely; that’s a significant time price of what can amount to a single e-mail or text.

Some disturbances are quickly controlled in your atmosphere; for example, you can do away with lights, songs, or other setups that pull individuals away from their duties.

Yet, one of the most impactful distractions– interruptions and notifications– are more difficult to remove. Encourage your workers to appreciate each other’s heads-down time by not disrupting their job, and be open to having “blackout” periods where you either switch off all notifications from your devices or detach from the web completely.

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Productivity Paradox: Are Longer Work Hours Detrimental to Employee Output?

In the hustle and grind of the modern corporate world, it's become a common assumption that longer work hours equate to heightened productivity and...