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How Employers Spend Their Summers



The unofficial summer season runs from Memorial Day through Labor Day. During this time, you will need to focus on planning for summer topics and activities. Summer is the season to implement flexible work schedules, establish a causal dress code policy, and offer internships. Summer means more vacation requests. As an employer you will have to prepare for an influx of employees asking for time off. You may want to use this season to boost morale by hosting team building events and activities. Planning for these policies and activities will require time and effort. What things do you need to consider before participating in the summertime fun?

  • Flexible Work Schedules. It is likely that your employees will show interest in working an alternate work schedule during the summer season. As many businesses experience a reduction in productivity, your senior management team should consider an alternate or compressed work week schedule. For example, some businesses choose to work 10 hour days during four days of the week and take the 5th day off. Whatever changes in schedules you decide to make be sure that your business is always sufficiently staffed.
  • Casual Dress Code. Depending on where your business is located, summer can mean hot, muggy weather. Many professional businesses choose to implement a relaxed summertime dress code. If this is something you are considering, make sure to clearly define and convey dress code expectations. It’s also important that your employees understand that the standard dress code may be reestablished at any time during the summer months, especially if your business will have clients or prospective customers visiting the location. Remember that at all times it’s important that your employees project a professional appearance that is consistent with your corporate culture and environment.
  • Internships. According to many organizations, one of the greatest benefits to offering an internship is the fresh ideas and perspectives that students bring to the company. The younger generation also brings with them a wealth of technical insight and ideas for strategic technology that could be beneficial to your business.
  • Vacation Requests. It’s fair to say that summer can be considered synonymous with vacation, especially here in the U.S. During this time of year, your employees will want to travel and enjoy their time off. As such, you should strategically plan how you’re going to allocate vacation time. Some organizations require employees to submit vacation requests at the beginning of the year while others have more lenient procedures. Your policy should enable you to ensure staffing availability, as well as give you time to work with employees if you need to alter the requested time off.
  • Work-sponsored Activities. There are several factors to consider when planning summertime activities, like whether an event will be during business hours or outside regular working hours or whether family members will be included in the activity. Company picnics are a popular option because they give employers the chance to host a casual, yet relatively inexpensive event for their employees. However, keep in mind that although an event may be casual, it is still an employer-sponsored event. Therefore, employees are expected to behave in a professional manner consistent with your business values.

Summertime is a great time of year to make your employees feel at ease as they anticipate lower work volumes, flexible work weeks, vacation time, casual dress codes, and company fun. By implementing clearly defined workplace policies regarding the topics we’ve considered in this article, you will be able to face the season without any summertime woes.


Source by David Yohn

Pope Francis to miss Good Friday procession for first time since election days after leaving hospital in health scare



POPE Francis is set to miss Good Friday’s late-night procession for the first time since he got elected.

The 86-year-old who was recently hospitalised with a respiratory infection won’t preside over Good Friday’s late-night Way of the Cross event.

The Pope was admitted to hospital last week


The Pope was admitted to hospital last weekCredit: The Mega Agency
Francis, 86 suffered from a respiratory infection


Francis, 86 suffered from a respiratory infectionCredit: Rex

The Vatican said in a statement that instead of presiding over the torch-lit procession at the Colosseum, Francis will watch from the hotel where he lives in the Vatican.

The Pope will miss the procession due to Rome’s cold weather, the Vatican added.

He will still attend the earlier Passion of the Lord celebration at St. Peter’s Basilica.

There, the cross will be unveiled before it goes to the Colosseum for the procession.

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Francis, 86, was discharged from a Rome hospital on Saturday following treatment for bronchitis.

The Vatican said at the time that he would carry out the complete Holy Week schedule, including the Way of the Cross procession and Easter Sunday Mass in St. Peters Square.

On Thursday, he presided over Mass in St. Peters Basilica and later washed and dried the feet of a dozen residents of a Rome juvenile prison in a ritual symbolizing humility.

The Pope was rushed to hospital by ambulance after his weekly audience last Wednesday.

Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni said the Pope had been struggling with breathing difficulties and was taken to the Gemelli hospital for tests.

He said Pope Francis is “touched by the many messages received and expresses his gratitude for the closeness and prayer”.

Earlier this year, Francis bid farewell to his predecessor Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who died aged 95.

Francis was seen arriving in a wheelchair and stood using a stick as he paid tribute to the “wisdom, tenderness and devotion that he bestowed upon us over the years”.

The Gemelli is the same hospital where he underwent a major op on his colon in 2021.

He remained in hospital for 10 days.

Pope Francis had to cancel activities several times last year due to the pain his knee and acknowledged that he needed to slow down.

He said he would follow Benedict in stepping down if his health made him unable to do his job.


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I’m a self-made millionaire – you won’t ever save your way to being rich but there is a simple way to build wealth



A SELF-MADE millionaire has shared her simple tips for building wealth but warned you “won’t ever save your way to being rich”.

Tess B. Jelten, a 25-year-old from Arizona, has built her fortune through social media and building her own brand as Tiktok’s “rich big sister”.

Tessa B. gives financial advice on her TikTok and social media platforms


Tessa B. gives financial advice on her TikTok and social media platformsCredit: Instagram/@tessaabellaa
She advises looking at your savings, active income and passive income in order to become rich


She advises looking at your savings, active income and passive income in order to become richCredit: Instagram/@tessaabellaa

She shared advice on her platforms and says often people believe that cutting back or budgeting will help them get rich.

Speaking on her TikTok channel@billiondollarbella, she said: “Unfortunately that couldn’t be further from the truth.

“Now those things are definitely important to do but it’s not gonna make you rich.

“The key to being truly wealthy is having active income in excess to fill up your savings and then to turn that active income into passive income streams.”

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Tessa B., who describes herself as a “business girlie”, shared simple tips on what people should focus on if they really want to get rich.

She described three main pillars that wannabe millionaires look to improve if they want to rake the big bucks.

Speaking on TikTok she said: “First is your savings, second is your active income and investments and the third is going to be passive income and automation.

“First things first with your savings, I have to tell you the most important quote that changed my life, your never going to save your way to rich.

“What I mean by this is if you’re at a certain income right now, just saving more money and cutting out certain expenses is not going to make you wealthy.”

She says the savvy savers should have a “nest egg” which she suggests should be around three to six months of their current living expenses.

But she warns not to put those savings into a traditional bank account but into a high-yield savings account.

Then she advises her followers to put all their expenses onto credit cards whilst paying them off every single month and keeping the utilization below 15 percent.

In return, savers will build credit while earning rewards such as travel points or cashback.

She then looks at active incomes and investments, anything that “you’re trading your time in exchange for money”.

She added: “For most of you this is gonna be your traditional job or if you’ve already started to pursue adding in some additional side hustles…

“I would highly suggest looking at ways that can increase your active income, so if you’re currently at a job, find ways to ask for a raise or if there’s additional work you can pick up.

“…In addition to that find ways that you can layer on other sources of active income.”

As an example, she suggests those working in marketing could sign up one-off social media clients using strategies that they have learned in their corporate job.

Her Tiktok page, with over 43,000 followers, is full of financial tips on how you can bolster your savings, increase your income or start a new side hustle.

Her followers have flooded her videos with adoring comments, with one adding: “Thank you for taking the time to do this! This was so precise. I was nodding my head at every word.

Another said: “This is a great video for people who aren’t familiar with these tips.”

While one commented: “Yo this is actually very good information thanks for sharing.”

Tess B. Jelten, a 25-year-old from Arizona, has built her fortune through social media


Tess B. Jelten, a 25-year-old from Arizona, has built her fortune through social mediaCredit: Instagram/@tessaabellaa


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Base Jumping For Beginners: Principles of Successful Remote Team Leadership




This article looks at the basic considerations for any team leader/manager implementing the switch to flexible/remote working teams.

Staff Suitability

Teams which tend to fit easily into the remote worker/team mould have the following common characteristics

– They are either knowledge workers or back office admin staff

– They approach their work in a mature, disciplined and self motivated way.

– Their work is task/project focused in nature. This is important so that you as a manager can you measure actual against expected performance reliably.

The thing you need to be aware of is that not everyone is capable of adapting to

remote working. Where commercial constraints require a retail focus or a client side sales focus home working can be used as a staging point/temporary base for admin purposes – but cannot be even considered as a full time place of employment for staff.

Remember: Providing the wrong facilities to employees can be very costly to your business. Staff resources are, and will continue to be your most important and most expensive asset – use them wisely.

Here are several team organisational structures which we have found to be particularly successful:

o Where a collaboration framework is institutionalised within the business process – for example a group of sales staff accessing the same central CRM data, or a team of claims processors accessing a knowledge base of historical claims information, or a team of customer representatives working a call centre operation. In these environments – each remote worker becomes responsible for the carrying out of specific actions relating to individual ‘incidents’ that occur in real time – following a known and clearly documented process.

o Where each member of the team has an array of specialist skills and team objectives are geared so as to assemble teams to do individual projects which are then disassembled and rebuild for the next project. This approach can be considered ‘themes not teams’ in organisational composition and lends itself to groups who do not focus on a specific recurring business process, but instead on support of innovation centred work.

Organising the work

For a remote team to be effective needs all the key components which make successful team working environments in traditional offices – but getting them in place and then subsequently supporting them does require more effort from you – the team leader…

From our experience, these boil down to the following


Members of the team need to be able to contact each other and communicate freely with their peer throughout the day. This aspect is available without effort in a traditional office based environment but requires technology investment and infrastructure expertise to get right in a remote team setting. With the advent of VOIP (internet based phone services), the cost to the company of providing these services to remote workers is reduced to as little as providing an internet connection to them.

Human beings are – by their very nature, sociable pack animals, requiring social contact in order to remain motivated and creative. Physical contact between team members should take a high priority in the way that the team is organised. As well as addressing these basic needs, regular focused meetings are key to the growth of an inter-dependent, supportive team. From experience – meeting as a team once a month provides a successful convention and at least a day a week should be set aside for impromptu of official meetings between team members as/when they are required.


It is key for performance in a remote team to place emphasis on team work and make as many of the information based resources used by the team at their disposal in a collaborative environment. I would urge that companies adopt centralised document management – collaborative white-boarding and networked CRM solutions and endeavour to provide training to staff in these tools and encourage adoption.


As team manager, you need to be able to track progress of ongoing work against both the expectations of your superiors regarding your team and also in terms of progress on assigned work on a task by task basis.

Unless, as a remote team manager you want to be swamped with information continuously (what we call email-blindness), delegation of low level task detail to individual resources is a necessity. I would also urge that a project planning tool is deployed by you and the team members are given a chance to buy-in and determine action plans with you. As well as making your workload as team leader more manageable – this technique also empowers team members – promoting the growth of skills and fusing the team with mutual appreciation of other team member’s strengths and abilities.

In reality you are running with two views of the project plan at all times – a strategic plan used by you for medium/long term planning and to provide high level information on progress vs. a more tactical task oriented view which has been drawn up in conjunction with team members and which – to a large extent you have given them responsibility for managing)

In Summary:

Much research has been placed recently into demonstrating the clear improvements in team efficiency and productivity which can be achieved through effective use of remote team working practices, and our organisation – running in this way very successfully since its start in this manner is a great example. However the decision to provide flexible and remote working facilities to staff should not be taken lightly and the operational changes require careful planning and operational commitment in order to be successful.


Source by Don Cooke

I had recurring dreams about 8 numbers & even saw them in real life – I was stunned when I used them to buy lotto ticket



A WOMAN was left stunned when she hit the lotto jackpot after dreaming of numbers – and even claims she saw them in real life.

The Malaysian shop owner allegedly had repeated dreams of the winning digits before bagging over £2,900,000.

The lucky woman claims to have dreamt of recurring numbers and also says she saw them in real life


The lucky woman claims to have dreamt of recurring numbers and also says she saw them in real lifeCredit: Getty

She revealed how she kept seeing two numbers, 3887 and 5785, not only in her sleep but also in real life.

The lucky winner scooped the huge sum in the Magnum 4D Jackpot draw on March 29.

She told local media: “The number 5785 kept showing up in my dreams, and I just had to try my luck to purchase this number.”

The woman also explained her shock after she took a trip to see her relatives and saw several cars with 3887 in the number plate.

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She then spotted a Magnum 4D outlet while out buying fruit and said she followed her instincts to purchase a ticket.

After seeing both sets of numbers drawn, she admitted to being so stunned that she had to double-check with her son to make sure she wasn’t dreaming.

When talking on the plans she has for her newly made fortune, the woman said: “Being a business shop owner, it’s a seven-day job for me. I have not taken a vacation in years. I would love to spend time with my family, and now, I finally can.”

She is also taking the time out of her busy store job to focus on her future.

As well as a holiday, the winner said she can now finally buy her dream family home after renting for years and donate a chunk to charity.

This comes after one lottery player managed to beat the odds of one in 292million to win twice in the same draw.

The lucky man bought ten tickets from his local grocery store and managed to scoop a whopping total of £240,500.

And a woman who bought a lottery ticket after a spooky inner voice told her to ended up winning £820,000.

Wendy Hester – from North Carolina – said she was grocery shopping when she was stopped in her tracks by the voice.


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Why Veteran Professors Should Have a Mentor?



Distinguished educators, who have devoted a considerable amount of time, about 10 years, instructing at their institutions, are known as veteran professors. These individuals possess extensive expertise and sagacity in their area of specialization and act as priceless assets for students seeking advice on scholarly concerns.

Oftentimes, the wealth of experience they possess can lead to them feeling secluded and stuck in their own traditional methods if they don’t keep themselves updated with recent happenings. 

Consequently, these seasoned professors struggle to keep up with contemporary advancements in teaching techniques and technology, causing them to be disconnected from their pupils and peers.

Gallup surveys reveal that a majority of educators have quit their previous roles, with 60% leaving by choice for the sake of career progression. This statistic implies that numerous instructors may not have received enough encouragement in their profession or been granted personalized chances to succeed and flourish, hence resulting in their resignation.

A solution to this predicament could be overcome by a knowledgeable guide, otherwise known as a mentor for veteran professors. The mentor would proffer valuable insight about the latest advancements in technology to veteran teachers who seek to stay informed. 

Without a mentor, veteran professors can become entrenched in their own rusty methods, leaving them with an antiquated teaching style that fails to inspire or capture their students’ interests. 

Furthermore, they might lose track of the latest breakthroughs relevant to their specialized fields of interest, thus depriving themselves to explore novel concepts and technological resources that could prove advantageous.

Importantly, when dealing with such situations, mentors can provide feedback about the professor’s teaching and curriculum too, suggest innovative ways to use technology and insight on upcoming challenges. These tips and suggestions can help veteran professors communicate with their students and colleagues, as well as ensure that their teaching methods remain relevant and effective.

Also Read: Get Your University to Support an Alumni Mentoring Program

Changing Landscape of Academia for Veteran Professors

Landscape of Academia for Veteran Professors

When veteran educators tread through the constantly evolving world of academia, they experience a variety of obstacles such as challenges (as aforementioned before) in the form of technological advancements; teaching methodologies, and evolving student demographics and expectations.

Challenges in the form of Technological Advancements

Although technology has for sure enhanced the learning experience for students, it may be a bit overwhelming for some veteran educators unfamiliar with techy knowledge. Elaborately put, the growing use of virtual classrooms and online assignments has left many veteran professors feeling lost in a sea of unknown terminologies and software and hence, they show an unwillingness to integrate technology into their teaching styles. Add to it, the usage of audio-visual media to digital textbooks–professors must adapt to all these to provide their students with the best education possible.

Shifts in Teaching Methodologies

Another challenge that veteran professors face is the requirement to shift their teaching methodologies to better suit diverse perspectives.

Also with growing importance placed on personalized learning, professors need to tailor their lessons to accommodate varying learners’ styles and paces. 

This means incorporating interactive activities, group work, and real-world examples into their lectures. Some may find this tough; especially those accustomed to traditional teaching styles for years. 

Evolving Student Demographics and Expectations

Teaching is a rad craft that’s always changing. Every year, fresh-faced students with all sorts of backgrounds and hopes come into the chill classroom space. These changes in student demographics have spawned both opportunities and challenges for veteran professors.

For instance, nowadays, there’s been an influx of unconventional students entering universities. They might be a bit older and juggling work or family while also getting their academics on track. 

Therefore, they require some leniency and consideration to thrive academically. Some of the OG profs might need to switch up their game and get into a groovy mindset that meets the needs of these non-traditional students.

Besides, Generation Alpha (about 74%) are more likely to voice their opinions and challenge authority figures like never before. Veteran professors accustomed to being the sole authorities in the classroom can find this new dynamic unsettling and challenging.

Despite these challenges, embracing these adjustments will empower veteran teachers to establish a welcoming atmosphere where every student feels appreciated and at ease. Mentors for veteran professors can be one of the solutions to help educators circumvent the challenges associated with the changing landscape of academia.

How Mentors Can Assist Veteran Professors?

With technology changing rapidly, any veteran teachers can have a tough time getting accustomed to it and the tools associated with it.

Educator mentors well-steeped in both academia and education can prove handy in helping veteran professors to integrate the latest technology into curricula without sacrificing teaching essentials.

Use of Online Platform

Mentors for veteran professors might recommend using online educational resources with articles and webinars or online educational platforms to facilitate remote collaboration among students and faculty members. A mentor might suggest using online platforms for even class discussions or incorporating multimedia elements into lectures. 

These steps can help veteran professors to enhance classroom experiences and improve learning outcomes for pupils. And not to forget, the online resources providing news and updates would assist seasoned professors in keeping pace with the latest educational trends.

Sharing Own Experience

They can even share their own experiences about dealing with the introduction of new technologies and smart ways to get acquainted with them–techniques that would assist senior professors to overcome any hesitations or concerns about trying eLearning platforms.

Gaining Acquaintance With New Academic Journals and Webinars

An experienced mentor might introduce a professor to new technology journals and publications that they weren’t previously aware of. This could aid veteran professors to gain an understanding of the latest developments in their field and discuss them with colleagues or even students.

Interactive Activities

A mentor may suggest incorporating more interactive online activities into classroom lessons or using virtual reality simulations as part of lab exercises. These innovative approaches can take the learning experience for students to an altogether next level while also helping veteran professors stay engaged and energized in their work.

Emotional Support

In addition to technical expertise, mentors can offer emotional support and be role models for veteran professors who learn to adapt the new teaching methods and tools. 

Also Read: How Mentoring Can Have a Positive Impact on Mental Health

Benefits of Mentorship for Veteran Professors

Benefits of Mentorship for Veteran Professors

Mentorship can turn out to be a priceless tool for seasoned professors and defining factor in their career trajectory. The benefits of mentorship for veteran professors are numerous and significant, and they are:

  • Enhanced professional growth and development
  • Improved job satisfaction and motivation
  • Increased effectiveness in teaching and research
  • Fostering a supportive academic community

Enhanced Professional Growth and Development

By seeking the counsel of a seasoned mentor, these esteemed academicians can secure vital directions and strengthen in essential spheres like scholarly pursuits, funding endeavors, and academic publishing. A wise mentor can assist in steering through the perplexities of academia, providing situation-specific expertise on forging fruitful alliances and networks.

Job Satisfaction and Motivation

Under consistent and trustful mentorship, esteemed professors can cultivate creative abilities and aptitudes that will propel them toward triumph in the ever-changing technological terrain.

By exploring contemporary technological advancements and innovative teaching techniques, veteran professors can infuse fresh perspectives and foster unparalleled student engagement. This not only boosts their career growth prospects but also uplifts their spirits and fuels their work passion.

Increased Effectiveness in Teaching and Research

Mentorship can be immensely advantageous for seasoned educators seeking to refine their teaching techniques or research methodologies. A mentor’s guidance can be of immeasurable value in enhancing veteran professors’ pedagogy by offering constructive feedback on lesson plans, proposing innovative strategies to engage learners, and sharing profound insights into cutting-edge trends within the domain. Such support is truly transformative, helping veterans become more accomplished scholars and proficient instructors.

Fostering a Supportive Academic Community

Mentorship brings a plethora of perks, one being the chance to connect with fellow academics and foster a supportive community. Even seasoned professors with years of experience can reap rewards from collaborating and networking with new knowledgeable people. 

Also, a mentor can spark new relationships, bridge connections among colleagues working on parallel projects, and even extend invitations to exclusive conferences or events.


Through frequent mentorship sessions, seasoned educators can acquire new knowledge and proficiencies that bolster their success amidst a swiftly changing academic terrain. They may become informed on novel technologies or top-notch methods for motivating students, which they can subsequently integrate into their own classrooms. This not only enriches their professional growth but also maintains their fervor and commitment to their profession.

For effective mentoring sessions and to make the tasks of veteran professors easy for obtaining mentoring sessions from the place of their convenience, mentoring platforms such as Mentoring Complete would be ideal. 

With modern features and an easy-to-use layout, professors can put their concentration on the pertinent data; forging a congenial relationship with pupils, and performing everyday discourse with exemplary efficiency.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How are veteran professors affected by changes in technology? 
They face challenges with incorporating new tools into their teaching methods while also meeting students’ changing needs and preferences.

Q. How can veteran professors navigate changing student demographics and expectations?
By staying informed about trends in the educational landscape and seeking professional development opportunities, veteran professors can stay up-to-date and effectively engage with their diverse student populations.

Q. Why do veteran professors need a mentor? 
With changes in technology and student demographics, mentors can help adapt teaching methods and meet new expectations.

Q. How mentors can help veteran professors in difficult times? 
An experienced mentor can furnish valuable assistance during difficult times while dispensing sagacious counsel to enhance pedagogical abilities and keep abreast of the latest breakthroughs in education.


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Motherhood and Virtual Assistance



Being a Mom is not an easy task. You must be available in 24/7 for your family. And while you are staying at home, you think about the future or how you can help your husband financially. There are many reasons why moms become a virtual assistant. Kathryn Alexander of becomeavamom.net and I shared some common reasons:

7 Reasons to Become A Virtual Assistant Mom


Childhood goes by so fast. If you have to work out of the house you may miss some things. We all know that providing for the family is the most important and comes before everything. But with a virtual assistant business, you can give for the family and be with the kids at the same time. This is the number 1 highest ranking reason that moms start a home business.


This, unfortunately, is a real problem in some businesses. You are either too young or too old to work. In some businesses, there is a legal age need to work there if they serve alcohol or smokes. When you become a virtual assistant you are the boss and if you can do the work then your clients won’t care what your age is.


Do you tend to click with certain types of people more than others? With a VA business, you can decide who you want your clients to be. Authors, salespeople, consultants, coaches, executives, entrepreneurs, and small business owners are just a few of the types of people you could work with. You have the freedom to choose who you want as a client. This benefits both you and the client making you both more productive.

You can also put in your contract, that either party can end the contract immediately for any reason, especially if the client and assistant work becomes stressful, not paying on time, rude or abusive language or behavior, etc. you can stick anything in your contract because you are the boss of your business and get to decide who you work with.


When you become a virtual assistant you can work your own hours when the kids are asleep or napping, and you can work when they are in school and be available for them before and after. The flexibility is amazing. You can also choose if you want to work part-time or full-time.


If you live in a big city, or even a little city, travel to and from work is time-consuming and costly if you drive or have to pay for a bus pass monthly.

When you become a virtual assistant at home, it means no more strangers rubbing against you on the bus, or filling your gas tank every couple days to drive across town and spend hours commuting to a job you don’t really love anyway.


In this business, you can charge whatever you want because you are the boss, within reason. Most people stay in the general area of $10-$40 an hour for different VA skills. For more advanced jobs you can charge more, and the more experienced VA’s charge higher.

When you are just starting out you can learn as you earn money. If you announce you are just starting your business and list what tasks you can do, and also announce you want to learn new skills you will find work. You will need to charge so, as you are learning as you go. Probably $5-10 an hour to start out if you don’t know anything. But after just a couple months of experience, you can start earning $15-$25 depending on what you are doing.


When you become a virtual assistant you constantly have the opportunity to learn systems, programs, skills, and services if you want to. All you have to do is sign up for a system that most people use but you have never used it, go to the support or help files and read it and learn what you can. There is also the trusted YouTube to learn pretty much anything or you can enroll on tutorial classes to niche your skills.


Source by Iylen Joy Ancheta

Getting Candidates Job-Ready: Finding the Balance Between Efficiency & Experience



Balance is everything. Striking a wonderful median of quick, efficient processes and delivering a positive experience can be tricky to achieve for any business. 


So, how do recruitment and staffing agencies gain a competitive edge while ensuring that candidates receive a great experience? By reducing the operational and administrative workload around screening and onboarding so candidates are job-ready to facilitate placements faster. 


The time spent on doing background checks manually, sending multiple emails for licence and ticket verification, or facilitating eLearning with traditional methods may mean drawing out the recruitment process for much longer than necessary and potentially losing out on onboarding candidates within target dates. Manual administration also puts recruiters at risk of double handling data and the errors that go along with it especially when using multiple systems to complete hiring and onboarding processes. 


The first step to finding the perfect balance between efficiency and experience is streamlining systems. Using only one system for pre-screening, recruiting, onboarding and automating ongoing compliance tasks a seamless experience, helps you screen and onboard efficiently while still ensuring a painless and positive experience for candidates. 


Ensure that you are facilitating talent mobility. This expedites your time-to-hire and minimises, risk, repetition and induction fatigue for your candidate and team – a business essential for fast-moving recruitment requirements. 


What WorkPro’s smart HR tech does is automate pre-employment screening, onboarding, and ongoing compliance monitoring, and it does it all in one central dashboard. 



WorkPro’s smart compliance solutions help to eliminate manual paperwork and alleviate the strain on costs and timeframes when trying to get candidates compliant and job-ready. By streamlining the onboarding processes, recruiters can reduce time to hire so they can focus more time on providing a quick and easy process for their candidates. 

Here are just a few examples of how WorkPro can do the heavy lifting when it comes to the high-volume, manual workload the staffing and recruitment industry faces every day: 

Work Fast with Confidence

WorkPro’s automated background checks, eLearning and compliance monitoring tools are continually optimised by subject matter experts and are updated to sector standards. Allowing staffing and recruitment firms to meet legislative compliance requirements while ensuring candidates are job-ready from day one. 

Be Audit-Ready Always with Smart Insights

WorkPro’s smart tech transparent dashboard with company-wide reporting and smart insights make it easy to constantly be audit-ready. All of WorkPro’s solutions reflect changes and up to date results almost instantaneously, ensuring the information is always up to date. 

Integrated & Supported

It’s so easy to leverage WorkPro’s smart technology effortlessly. The WorkPro platform integrates with the best HR systems seamlessly and securely with a support team ready to customise solutions as they’re needed. 


While finding the perfect balance between efficient processes and providing a positive candidate experience might seem like a hard task to achieve. WorkPro’s automated smart HR tech solution allows the staffing and recruitment industry to streamline fundamental onboarding tasks they complete every single day, which in turn makes the onboarding and screening process for the candidate a positive experience. 


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2 construction workers killed at John F. Kennedy International Airport



Two workers were killed at John F. Kennedy International Airport Monday in a construction accident, authorities said.

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which operates the airport, said in a statement it received a report of two workers trapped under construction rubble shortly after 11 a.m. 

Emergency services responded to the scene in an attempt to rescue the workers, who were declared dead at the scene, officials said. 

The Port Authority said in an update to USA TODAY the workers were relocating utility lines “in the vicinity of cogeneration plant to support the increased energy needs of the JFK redevelopment project.”


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Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring Roofing Contractors



When it comes to an area like Houston, Texas that face hurricanes on a regular basis, you’re likely to find a wide selection of roofing contractors- it’s a much needed service. However, with so many companies available, you’re likely to run into one who can’t be trusted. Make sure you avoid these mistakes when hiring roofing contractors.

1. Not reading the contract before you sign it- The purpose of a contract is to ensure that both parties abide by the set rules. The roofer wants to make sure he gets paid when he does the work. Seems fair enough, right? Well, in the roofing business, not all contracts are created equally. While some roofing contractors just want guaranteed payment, those with less integrity may try to really stick it to you with some outrageous things thrown into the contract. With that in mind, read the contract thoroughly before you sign it. And whatever you do, save your copy.

2. Not checking the Better Business Bureau website- When you visit the Better Business Bureau’s website, in large, bold letters you see, “Start with trust.” There’s truth behind the slogan. Before you sign any contracts or give the green light for a group of roofing contractors to begin work, make sure they are a BBB member. If they’re a member, that means they’re governed by a higher authority and they can show proof of customer satisfaction. Read the reviews and see if any customers have filed complaints. If they are free of complaint, you’ve probably found reputable roofing contractors.

3. Not checking references- Even if you’ve checked the BBB site, you still should request a list of references. Since you don’t want to leave any stone unturned when searching for roofing contractors, calling references could turn up a dissatisfied customer who didn’t think to report their qualms on the BBB website. Past customers have experience dealing with the company you’re entertaining and can open your eyes to what they do badly (if anything) and what they do well.

4. Not inquiring about a guarantee- What happens once you have a new roof on your home, but you aren’t happy with the work? Maybe your roof is still sagging, or perhaps the roofing contractors left debris littered about your yard. Hopefully you asked about a guarantee. Trustworthy roofing contractors will guarantee your satisfaction. A quick phone call will result in them returning to your home to fix whatever work doesn’t meet your standards.

5. Not asking about technique- Plainly put, some roofing contractors do the job incorrectly. In order to rush through the job, they might fire up their nail guns and haphazardly race through roof replacement. The problem with this is that nail guns must be carefully set in order to use on roofing shingles. When attaching shingles, it’s important not to hammer the nail in too deeply. Doing so will compromise the effectiveness of the shingle, causing leaks in your roof. Nail guns are so powerful that they often shoot the nail too deeply into the plywood decking. That said, a manual hammer is preferred. So don’t forget to question your roofer’s technique. If you don’t you may find your roof failing inspection.

Asking the right questions and performing a bit of research will help you avoid the above mistakes. And steering clear of these mistakes means finding roofing contractors you can trust for professional roof replacement.


Source by Nathan Riley

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