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WorkPod Minisode: Leadership, part, present and the future


The culture of a company and leadership is a bit of a chicken and egg scenario. Does leadership influence culture or visa versa?

In this video Jeffery Hull, Author of “flex”, with his vast experience of working leaders walks us through the basic tenets of leadership and the importance of having a coach or a mentor at the early stages of our career.

For a slightly more in-depth look at leadership, click on the following link for the full podcast: https://work2.org/workpod-the-art-and-science-of-leadership


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Top 11 Blogs on Career Development


Career Contessa

The career site built for women that helps you job search, change careers, and advance in your current position. Real talk guaranteed.

Topics & highlights: career advice, actionable worksheets, webinars, and personalised career coaching.

Link: https://www.careercontessa.com/

Career Savvy

Career Savvy is a Big Community of Enthusiastic Young Entrepreneurs and students who want to achieve something big in life.

Topics & highlights: Job hunting and interviews, career development, money saving, self employment, student and graduate advice.

Link: https://www.careersavvy.co.uk/

Prolific Living

Prolific Living shows businesses and individuals how to stop selling, build deep trust, and grow their profits.

Topics & highlights: getting to know yourself, finding your path, and staying motivated in your corporate job.

Link: https://www.prolificliving.com/

Girl Boss

Founded by serial entrepreneur and New York Times Bestselling author Sophia Amoruso, Girlboss was born from the book that inspired a generation of women to take action in their own lives. Today, we have a small but brilliant team of editors, creatives, and technology professionals working to build something that’s never been built before.

Topics & highlights: women centric career advice.

Link: https://www.girlboss.com/

G2 Career Advice Learning Hub

G2 is the world’s largest tech marketplace where businesses can discover, review, and manage the technology they need to reach their potential.

Topics & highlights: Job hunting and interviews, career development, leaving your job.

Link: https://learn.g2.com/hub/career-advice

Penelope Trunk

Penelope Trunk (born Adrienne Roston; legal name Adrienne Greenheart; December 10, 1966) is an American businesswoman, author, and blogger. Her work focuses on the intersection of work and life. Trunk is the author of the books Brazen Careerist: The New Rules for SuccessThe New American Dream: A Blueprint for a New Path to Success, and The Power of Mentors: The Guide to Finding and Learning from Your Ideal Mentor. She blogged at Brazen Careerist before leaving that company.

Topics & highlights: Marketing, PR, Public Relations, Branding, Brand Building, Content Development, Content Management, Online Media, Digital Marketing, Social Media, Community Building, Startups, Blockchain, Crypto, Hiring, Recruiting, Career Management, Ed Tech, Farming, Consumer Software, Public Speaking, Brand Evangelism.

Link: https://penelopetrunk.com/

Idealist Careers

Idealist connects millions of idealists – people who want to do good – with opportunities for action and collaboration all over the world.

Topics & highlights: career planning, internships, entrepreneurial endeavors, networking skills, workflow hacks.

Link: https://www.idealist.org/en/careers?pq=&searchMode=true

The Daily Muse

We are your ultimate career destination, offering exciting job opportunities, expert advice, and a peek behind the scenes into fantastic companies and career paths. We believe that you can and should love your job—and be successful at it—and we want to help make that happen. Whether you’re just starting out, changing career paths, or aiming for the C-suite, we’ve got everything you need to take charge of your career. 

Topics & highlights: Job search and interviewing, career development, management, break-room.

Link: https://www.themuse.com/tags/career-advice


A work fashion blog offering fashion, lifestyle, and career advice for overachieving chicks.

Topics & highlights: fashion and lifestyle for professional women.

Link: https://corporette.com/


Lifehacker Australia redefines personal productivity with tips, tricks and hacks to improve your life.

Topics & highlights: job interviews, workplace trends, productivity, communication, career hacks.

Link: https://www.lifehacker.com.au/


Expert career advice on CVs, cover letters, interviews.

Topics & highlights: Job search and interviewing, career development, salary search.

Link: https://www.reed.co.uk/career-advice

5 Tips to Boost Group Efficiency Through Environmental Modifications


Think of locking each workday with a happy and satisfied, knowing that you had been so productive that you accomplished whatever was on your list. And recognizing, as well, that you were at the top of your creative game– getting your tasks done efficiently and also well. See yourself whistling as you leave work at the end of your shift?

Here are a few things you can alter in your workplace to get the best out of your team.

Let in more natural light

This can seem like a small change but it’s an important one to allow even more natural light.

Workers in offices with windows were subjected to 173 percent more white light than those in closed workplaces. As a result, those workers obtained an average of 46 mins of additional rest every evening, reported much less stress, and were more productive in total.

Exposure to all-natural light (or an all-natural light substitute) is also connected to a reduced risk for anxiety and depression, which can make your workers happier and much more efficient.

Suppose your office doesn’t have windows currently, and you don’t feel like doing restoration or moving. In that case, you can use all-natural light replicating lights to fill in the voids here– or you can invest more time outside, such as having early morning meetings walking the building.

Create a communal break room

Think about sprucing up a space of your office to be a communal break area. And also, of course, most recreational areas are (almost necessarily) communal. However, your task is to develop a room where your employees feel welcomed and want to engage with each other.

Team members who seem like they have a buddy in the office are a lot more likely to report high engagement. When your employees are comfortable chatting and hanging around with each other, they’ll be a lot more comfortable interacting. So make your break area an ample, open space with welcoming colors and perhaps even a ping pong table to give them something to bond over.

Change the seating arrangements

Shaking up the seating arrangements in your office can do a lot of good for your team’s general efficiency. But, first, you ought to understand that not all office floor plans function equally well for all employees.

An “open” workplace strategy, with very few walls to motivate collaboration, can prevent productivity in some cases, minimizing face-to-face interactions by as high as 70 percent.

This is mainly because employees feel less personal privacy and fewer personal boundaries, so it may not be applicable to all jobs. Transforming your desks and seating plans permits you to experiment and learn what works best for everyone.

It likewise offers your employees something novel in their work lives, separating the struggle of coming into the same chair and very same space, with the very same views daily.

Minimize distractions

Disturbances have the power to disrupt anyone’s performance and can come up in a range of forms. When your concentration is broken, it can take you around 23 minutes to restore it entirely; that’s a significant time price of what can amount to a single e-mail or text.

Some disturbances are quickly controlled in your atmosphere; for example, you can do away with lights, songs, or other setups that pull individuals away from their duties.

Yet, one of the most impactful distractions– interruptions and notifications– are more difficult to remove. Encourage your workers to appreciate each other’s heads-down time by not disrupting their job, and be open to having “blackout” periods where you either switch off all notifications from your devices or detach from the web completely.

WorkPod Minisode: Finding growth in gig economy


Talent development is an evolutionary process. A talented employee a decade ago may find his skills obsolete placed in today’s work environment.

In this video, Michael Solomon, author of Game Changer, talks about managing and developing talent. The second part of the video talks about who should take the responsibility of talent management in a company.

To watch the full podcast of Michael Solomon follow on: https://work2.org/workpod-tricks-to-achieve-game-changing-career-growth/

Subscribe to see more videos like this:

Website: https://work2.org/category/workpod-minisode/

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Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2S3JFQ1

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WorkPod Minisode: Journey As A Women Leader


Even in the 21st century we’re still trying to close the gender inequality gap despite the proven fact that companies with a higher representation of women are more profitable than those that don’t.

In this video, Melissa Riberio, a diversity champion and leader talks to us about the gender and culture issue from a personal point of view.

To watch the full podcast of Melissa Ribeiro follow us on: https://youtu.be/3xgLVSo1fG4

Subscribe to see more videos like this:

Website: https://work2.org/category/workpod-minisode/

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Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2S3JFQ1

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WorkPod: Future of Thriving Startup CXO


In this podcast, Matt Blumberg discussed his book Startup CXO, the insights it carries and shared how to build a thriving leadership that builds for tomorrow today. He sheds light on the importance of a good leader and how to achieve it effectively.

Matt’s Recommended Read:
The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers Ben Horowitz https://amzn.to/3edvsHV
The Oxygen Advantage: Simple, Scientifically Proven Breathing Techniques to Help You Become Healthier, Slimmer, Faster, and Fitter by Patrick McKeown https://amzn.to/3k994TR

Matt’s Book:
Startup CXO: A Field Guide to Scaling Up Your Company’s Critical Functions and Teams by Matt Blumberg , Peter M. Birkeland https://amzn.to/3AWuyJL

Podcast Link:
iTunes: http://math.im/jofitunes
Youtube: http://math.im/jofyoutube

Matt is the founder and CEO of Bolster, a new talent marketplace for on-demand executives and board members launched in 2020. Matt was previously Chairman & CEO of Return Path, the market leader in email optimization, from 1999, until its sale to Validity. Under Matt’s leadership, Return Path won numerous employer of choice awards including #2 on Fortune Magazine’s “Best Companies to Work for” list. Prior to founding Return Path, Matt founded the Internet division of MovieFone (777-FILM) and had previously worked in venture capital and management consulting. Matt is the Founder and Chairman of Path Forward, a non-profit that was spun out of Return Path in 2016 whose mission is to empower people to restart their careers after time spent focused on caregiving. He is also the author of Startup CEO: A field guide to scaling up your business, second edition published by Wiley & Sons in 2020, Startup CXO: A Field Guide to Scaling Your Company’s Critical Teams, published by Wiley & Sons in 2021, and the forthcoming second edition of Startup Boards, to be published by Wiley & Sons in 2021 or 2022.

1:10 Matt’s journey.
3:22 The need for Bolster.
6:11 Tenets of a successful startup.
8:08 The kind of leadership required for a successful startup.
11:08 Best practices building a successful culture for a startup.
13:27 Pitfalls in leading a startup.
16:40 Qualities of a successful leader.
18:48 Tenets of a good leader in a startup environment.
22:00 Differentiating team expectations in small, mid, and large organizations.
24:06 Tips on grooming leaders in an organization.
25:47 The idea behind the book “Future of Thriving Startup CXO”.
30:27 Research behind the book “Future of Thriving Startup CXO”.
32:48 Picking the right authors for the book “Future of Thriving Startup CXO”.
35:42 How does the on-demand leadership model fit into the life of a startup?
40:39 The role of technology in getting further access to leadership talent.
41:43 The future of leadership.
43:40 Rapidfire with Matt.
45:32 Matt’s success mantra.
48:50 Matt’s favorite reads.
50:20 Closing remarks.

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TAO is building the World’s largest and AI-powered Skills Universe and Community powering career development platform empowering some of the World’s largest communities/organizations. Learn more at https://TAO.ai

About WorkPod:
Work Pod takes you on the journey with leaders, experts, academics, authors, and change-makers designing the future of work, workers, and the workplace.

About Work2.org
WorkPod is managed by Work2.org, a #FutureOfWork community for HR and Organization architects and leaders.

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WorkPod Minisode: Is leadership an art or science?


Where is leadership placed? Is leaning towards arts or is a becoming more and more a scientific phenomenon?

In this video Jeffery Hull, Author of “flex”, with his vast experience of working leaders walks us through the basic tenets of leadership and the importance of having a coach or a mentor at the early stages of our career.

For a slightly more in-depth look at leadership, click on the following link for the full podcast: https://work2.org/workpod-the-art-and-science-of-leadership


Subscribe to see more videos like this:

Website: https://work2.org/category/workpod-minisode/

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Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2S3JFQ1

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WorkPod Minisode: Easy Ways for Companies to Adapt Change


In a constantly changing world that is constantly bringing in new demands to meet customer satisfaction, how can company’s reinvent themselves?

In this video, Ram Charan, co-author of the bestselling Execution and Confronting Reality, talks about the three ways businesses can adapt to the changing times. The end of the video also talks about how leaders can break through the stubborn culture of a company to induce the necessary change.

To watch the full podcast of Ram Charan follow us on: https://youtu.be/oEl3NGFhn4w

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Website: https://work2.org/category/workpod-minisode/

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4 Email Changes for Better Productivity


One of the most crucial components of a business is its workers– besides, productive workers make a business successful in the first place. But, according to a recent United States Bureau labor record, employee productivity has been diminishing in recent times.

Here are a few Email tips that will bring in massive improvements in your team’s communication and productivity.

Have online and offline periods

Enabling your employees to disconnect from communication channels to minimize distractions is important, but email breaks are essential for several factors.

Developing online and offline communication periods helps you to limit the number and also the length of discussions your team members have; as well as, of course, current communication speeds enable us to function quicker, but if left unchecked, email threads can take even more time than they need to.

Having dead time between email sessions provides you more time to assess what you intend to say and breaks the anxiety that you need to react to every email the second it comes in.

Your communication will certainly get tighter and more valuable (enabling you to maximize your communication efficiency), your employees will undoubtedly be less distracted, and morale will likely enhance.

Stop emailing late into the night

If you and your team are overloaded with the job, it’s tempting to email late into the night– after all, a lot of us have grown accustomed to a society where work interactions extend late into the nights and the weekends.

However, you and your team should prevent this from happening; sending out an email late in the evening suggests your recipients might get late-night notifications, stress about it, and either do work or miss out on sleep because of anxiety.

Instead, if you feel the need to write down your thoughts right away, take into consideration saving them as a draft, as well as urge your employees to disconnect entirely at night by turning off email notifications. Of course, if there’s an emergency, you can always call or text them.

Keep your email threads short and sweet

Email threads are one of the most well-known threats to your email-related efficiency. If they’re addressed to too many recipients, you’re most likely to be taking care of the turmoil of a dozen recipients, all getting distracted every single time there’s a reply.

And also, given that anyone can respond to the discussion, chances are, the string will expand much longer than it was initially planned for.

Additionally, the fact that in time, a cumbersome email thread can end up being practically unnavigable, it’s reasonable that your email strings need to be kept brief.

Try to limit the number of individuals you send them to and put a cap on the variety of messages you send out and receive before opening up a new thread or shifting to a phone call (or other, a better tool for back-and-forth discussion).

Master and teach the art of the concise email

Emails are most meaningful when they’re succinct. If you can convey the exact definition with 25 words that you can with 500 words, why would you bother drawing up all 500? It takes more time to compose, more time to modify, even more time to check out, and enables even more misconceptions.

Establish the criterion by mastering the art of conciseness in your very own messages, relying upon format, bullet points numbered lists, and brief sentences to properly convey with as few words as possible. Then, teach your employees to do the same and compensate them when they progress in this pursuit.

WorkPod Minisode: Why Exit Rich?


Exit rich or exit poor? Why is it necessary for companies to have a solid exit strategy?

In this video, Michelle Seiler Tucker, author of EXIT RICH: The 6 P Method to Sell Your Business for Huge Profit and the Founder and CEO of Seiler Tucker Incorporated talks about the importance of having an exit plan by giving some real world examples of companies who’ve exited poor.

To watch the full podcast of Michelle Seiler Tucker follow us on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fob8lGhBnmU

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The Gig Economy: Navigating New Work Paradigms in Traditional Blue-Collar Industries

The American labor landscape is undergoing a seismic shift, one where the gig economy is rapidly transforming traditional employment models, particularly within blue-collar sectors....