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WorkPod: Building #FutureOfWork with Radical Talent Transformation



In this session, Gabriel Dalporto, chief executive officer at Udacity, discusses some of the key issues concerning retraining and reskilling the workforce. He also shares best practices and strategies on how companies, leaders and educational institutes can tune their systems to the demands of modern world of work.

Podcast Link:
Youtube: https://youtu.be/6zGsiCMJfSU


1:00 Gabriel’s journey
5:45 Gabrial’s on his diverse career path.
9:09 Reflection on the two decades of reskilling and education at the workplace.
13:34 Udacity’s contribution to workplace learning and reskilling.
16:49 The future of the university system vis a vis the new reality of work.
21:02 Ways to bring technology to the remotest corners for learning and development.
25:30:00 Impact of Covid on the learning and development scene in companies.
30:04:00 The role of a learning and development company while collaborating with companies.
33:57:00 The right depth and breadth of a tech transformation in workplace.
38:53:00 Challenges in retraining and reskilling the workforce.
42:06:00 The role of a legislature in reskilling programs implementation.
44:48:00 The role of Udacity in reskilling workforce around the world.
47:31:00 Are university degrees still useful?
50:29:00 Rapid fire with Gabriel.
56:19:00 Gabrial’s success mantra.
57:30:00 Gabrial’s favorite reads.
1:00:30 Closing remarks.

About TAO.ai[Sponsor]:
TAO is building the World’s largest and AI-powered Skills Universe and Community powering career development platform empowering some of the World’s largest communities/organizations. Learn more at https://TAO.ai

Workpod Minisode: Discussing HR and technology


Over time HR has been limited to back office administrative function without much of strategic value to a company. With the onset of Pandemic, organizations are rapidly turning towards HR for solutions to the human problems that are infecting almost every company.
In this video, Claire Haidar, CEO and founder of WNDYR and Pattyrn, explains how HR can be empowered with technology to bring in positive and strategic value to an organization.

To watch the full podcast of Claire Haidar follow us on: https://work2.org/claire-haider-on-trends-shaping-the-futureofwork/

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Website: https://work2.org/category/workpod-minisode/

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Workpod Minisode: Rapidfire with Gabrial Dalporto


In this video, Gabrial Dalporto, chief executive officer at Udacity, indulges us on a quick question and answer session on random topics around work.

To watch the full podcast of Gabrial Dalporto follow us on: https://work2.org/workpod-building-futureofwork-with-radical-talent-transformation/

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Website: https://work2.org/category/workpod-minisode/

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Claire Haider on Trends Shaping the #FutureOfWork


In this session, Claire Haidar, CEO and founder of WNDYR and Pattyrn, makes us think about work, HR, technology and the future of work more authenticity. More importantly, she analyses the present chaos and disruption and deciphers a meaning in them.

Part chaos, part rocket fuel, Claire Haidar is a technology entrepreneur, student pilot age and future thinker about all things human, work and play.

Human acceleration and education have always been my two biggest passions. I see work as a giant playground.
Claire Haidar

Claire challenges the status quo, pushes the boundaries on what is possible, and asks the big questions that a lot of us are afraid to really confront and act on. If you want your mental boxes to be challenged; if you want to color outside the lines, then invite Claire to challenge your team or audience on topics such as the future of work in a world of chaos and robots, play as an essential part of work, human acceleration in an automated world and visualizing organizations at work as playgrounds.

Discussion Timeline:
0:48 Claire’s journey.
6:27 How’s the future of work shaping up?
10:53 Meaning of future of work.
23:59 Bringing HR to trust on technology.
29:27:00 How are organizations reacting the disruptive technologies?
43:56:00 Technology winning trust with HR.
45:20:00 Ideal mindset leaders must have to develop a human centric organization.
54:41:00 Rapid fire.
1:03:38 Claire’s success mantra.
1:05:13 Claire’s favorite reads.
1:10:14 Closing remarks.

Some questions we covered:
Segment 1: Lead-in

  1. Starter: Give your starter pitch 1 point that you wish as a central theme.
  2. Vishal briefly introduce guest

Segment 2: State of organizations

  1. What is the state of organizations today?
  2. How to control an organization when the control lies outside[pandemic]
  3. How is automation impacting the state of organizations?
  4. What does it mean to learn/develop a worker, in the age of work?
  5. How you make an impact in your current company as well as previous companies?
  6. How do you build a high-performing team?
  7. What is the role of chaos in the #FutureOfWork
  8. What role does technology play in helping build FutureOrg
  9. What are you seeing from WNDYR point on some challenges with organization to keeping up with the challenges of work today?
  10. How are some of unexpectd surprises good / bad that came from pandemic?
  11. what are some misconceptions from FutureOfWork?
  12. Technology definitely played a huge role during the pandemic. How is tech expected to impact work moving forward?
  13. Regarding the future of work in general, what’s one thing you think company leaders should consider as offices begin to reopen?

Segment 3: Rapid Fire [Say what comes to your mind quickly]
16 a. #FutureOfWork
16 b. #Technology
16 c. #Leadership
16 d. #RemoteWork
16 e. #Equity
16 f. #Diversity
16 g. #Legislature
16 h. #JobsOfFuture
16 i. #FutureOfLearning
16 j. #Something exciting
16 k. #Things that keep you up at night?

Segment 4: Your personal journey

  1. What are 1-3 best practices that you think are the key to success in your journey?
  2. Do you have any favorite read?
  3. As a closing remark, what would you like to tell our audience?

Stage 5: Closing

  1. What are 1-3 best practices that you think are the key to success in your journey?
  2. Do you have any favorite read?
  3. As a closing remark, what would you like to tell our audience?

About TAO.ai[Sponsor]:
TAO is building the World’s largest and AI-powered Skills Universe and Community powering career development platform empowering some of the World’s largest communities/organizations. Learn more at https://TAO.ai
About WorkPod:
Work Pod takes you on the journey with leaders, experts, academics, authors, and change-makers designing the future of work, workers, and the workplace.
About Work2.org
WorkPod is managed by Work2.org, a #FutureOfWork community for HR and Organization architects and leaders.
Sponsorship / Guest Request should be directed to [email protected]

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Workpod Minisode: Discussing learning and development through COVID


The Covid pandemic has become a new normal and businesses have had to adapt their business practices and work environments in order to stay afloat. Since businesses are struggling to stay afloat, learning and development has taken serious back seat.
In this video, Gabrial Dalporto, chief executive officer at Udacity, sheds light on how even in such a crisis situation, companies can take innovative measures to continue with learning and development processes.

To watch the full podcast of Gabrial Dalporto follow us on: https://work2.org/workpod-building-futureofwork-with-radical-talent-transformation/

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Website: https://work2.org/category/workpod-minisode/

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Newsletter: https://bit.ly/3xm3bpQ

WorkPod Minisode: Rapid Fire with Glaria Feldt


Gloria Feldt, Co-founder and president of Take The Lead, participates in a fun question and answer session answering randomly picked questions on work, worker, workplace and future of work.

To watch the full podcast of Gloria Feldt follow us on: https://work2.org/workpod-building-equitable-workforce-with-intentioning/

Subscribe to see more videos like this:

Website: https://work2.org/category/workpod-minisode/

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Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2S3JFQ1
YouTube: https://bit.ly/3xmJxdl
Newsletter: https://bit.ly/3xm3bpQ

Workpod Minisode: Discussing the future of work


The future of work holds a different meaning for every individual. Is the present situation giving any signs, hints or trends for us to predict future work cultures and environments?
In this video, Claire Haidar, CEO and founder of WNDYR and Pattyrn, shares her thoughts on the existing chaos in the workspace right now and what the future of work may look like.

To watch the full podcast of Claire Haidar follow us on: https://work2.org/claire-haider-on-trends-shaping-the-futureofwork/

Subscribe to see more videos like this:

Website: https://work2.org/category/workpod-minisode/

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Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2S3JFQ1

YouTube: https://bit.ly/3xmJxdl
Newsletter: https://bit.ly/3xm3bpQ

Workpod Minisode: Challenges in learning and development today


Learning and development has taken a backseat during these pandemic years. While it’s important to bring their focus back on L&D and present it in an novel method, it’s also important for employees and managers to develop learning agility in these changing times.
In this video, Courtney Abraham, Chief People Officer at GE Current, talks about some of the best practices implemented at GE Current to continue the process L&D.

To watch the full podcast of Courtney Abraham follow us on: https://work2.org/leading-during-the-pandemic/

Subscribe to see more videos like this:

Website: https://work2.org/category/workpod-minisode/

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Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2S3JFQ1

YouTube: https://bit.ly/3xmJxdl
Newsletter: https://bit.ly/3xm3bpQ

WorkPod Minisode: Fixing the lack of diversity


Although more women have come into the workforce in the last few decades, there’s still a huge gender gap that needs to be sorted. As the workforce is shifting from brawn to brain oriented jobs and education is widespread, there shouldn’t be any gender based inequality in the workplaces of today.

Gloria Feldt, Co-founder and president of Take The Lead, explains to us some of the reasons why the gender gap still persists and why things are slowly changing for the better.

To watch the full podcast of Gloria Feldt follow us on: https://work2.org/workpod-building-equitable-workforce-with-intentioning/

Subscribe to see more videos like this:

Website: https://work2.org/category/workpod-minisode/

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Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2S3JFQ1

Youtube: https://bit.ly/3xmJxdl
Newsletter: https://bit.ly/3xm3bpQ

Workpod Minisode: How to be an effective people centric leader


While the traditional forms may have been centered around results and outcomes, the new forms of leadership is shifting it’s focus on people’s wellbeing.
In this video, Courtney Abraham, Chief People Officer at GE Current, offers some handy tips on how to become an effective leader of people.

To watch the full podcast of Courtney Abraham follow us on: https://work2.org/leading-during-the-pandemic/

Subscribe to see more videos like this:

Website: https://work2.org/category/workpod-minisode/

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