#Episode3: Workforce Analytics Leadership Panel
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fbl8ZtVJCc4[/embedyt]
AnalyticsWeek Unconference Workforce Analytics Track Day (Recorded on March 28th, 2014):
AnalyticsWeek Unconference Track day was designed with a Keynote and a panel discussion. The idea was to give a strategic outlook during the keynote and bridge it with more tactical use cases that will emerge from the discussion with the panel. Each day was narrated by a track lead, whose job was to keep track of time and maximize the fun. Each panel moderator coordinated with the keynote speaker topic to keep the content bridge as intact as possible and at the same time maintain their ingenuity in crafting the panel as per their vision. All the panelists and keynote talents were carefully selected to suit the theme and they represent the industry leaders in their respective tracks.
AnalyticsWeek Unconference Workforce Analytics Track
This track is by far the most underutilized field in big data. Every Company talks about resource crunch but few do anything about it. This track was one of the most sought after track in the week. This track was led by Sachin Bhate. The track’s keynote and panel were chosen to provide substantial fodder to the importance of workforce analytics and how smart big companies are doing it. Keynote for the track was the CEO of one of the leading firms in the workforce analytics domain. The moderator was chosen from the top consulting firm as they are the biggest consumer of this science. The panelists included fortune 100 business’s thought leaders and doers in workforce analytics.
The workplace analytics panel was best-designed panel in the entire unconference. Each panelist was carefully chosen based on their story with workforce analytics and their use cases. The panel was moderated by Abby Cashman, Booz Allen. She did an amazing job in steering the panel to extract the thought leadership required to run a successful workforce analytics group. Panel was an all-star panel with executives from the largest bank, financial organization, high tech company, management consulting and insurance. All panelists were super cool in sharing their wins/failures and keeping the audience engaged with things they could act on. As per social media, this panel was the most socially active and engaged audience the unconference had seen.
Abby Cashman, BoozAllen [www.linkedin.com/pub/abby-cashman/0/886/b02]
David Dietrich, EMC [www.linkedin.com/in/dietrich1]
David Parker, Bank of America [www.linkedin.com/pub/david-parker/41/387/a22]
Lisa Croteau, Fidelity Investments [www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=206737214]
Melissa Arronte, Liberty Mutual [www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=8169984]
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