Returnships: An Alternative to Entry-Level Positions


For professionals seeking to re-enter the workforce after a career break, returnships offer a compelling alternative to entry-level positions. Unlike traditional internships or entry-level roles, returnships are designed for experienced individuals who need to refresh their skills, gain new experiences, and rebuild their professional networks. Here’s why returnships are an excellent alternative to entry-level positions and how they can...

Career Coaching and Returnships: A Winning Combination


Re-entering the workforce after a career break can be a daunting task. Whether you paused your career for family, health, personal growth, or other reasons, the journey back to professional life requires strategic planning and support. Returnships offer a structured pathway to help you transition back into your career, but pairing them with career coaching can significantly enhance your...

Navigating the Returnship Application Process


Returning to the workforce after a career break can be both exciting and challenging. Whether you took time off for personal reasons, family commitments, or further education, returnships offer a structured way to transition back into professional life. However, navigating the returnship application process requires preparation, strategy, and confidence. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you successfully navigate the...

How to Make the Most of a Returnship Opportunity


A returnship offers a unique pathway back into the professional world for those who have taken a career break. Whether you paused your career for family, education, or personal reasons, a returnship can help you refresh your skills, rebuild your network, and regain confidence. Here’s how to make the most of a returnship opportunity and set yourself up for...

The Power of Networking During a Returnship


Re-entering the workforce after a career break can be a challenging endeavor, but returnships offer a structured and supportive way to ease this transition. One of the most powerful tools you can leverage during your returnship is networking. Building and nurturing professional relationships can significantly impact your career trajectory, opening doors to new opportunities and providing invaluable support. Here's...

Top Tips for Securing a Returnship Opportunity


Are you ready to jump back into the professional world after a career break? Returnships can be your ideal pathway, offering a structured and supportive environment to refresh your skills and rebuild your career. But how do you secure one of these coveted opportunities? Here are our top tips to help you land a returnship and make the most...

From Corporate to Non-Profit: Stories of Successful Career Transitions


In recent years, many professionals have been making the leap from corporate careers to the non-profit sector, seeking greater purpose and fulfillment in their work. These transitions often come with unique challenges and rewards. Here, we share inspiring stories of individuals who successfully made the switch from corporate to non-profit, highlighting their motivations, experiences, and the impact they’ve made. 1....

How Non-Profits Are Leading the Way in Workplace Flexibility and Remote Work


In recent years, workplace flexibility and remote work have become essential aspects of modern employment, reshaping how organizations operate and how employees balance their professional and personal lives. Non-profit organizations, often at the forefront of social change, are leading the way in adopting flexible work arrangements. Here’s how non-profits are setting the standard for workplace flexibility and remote work,...

Exploring Returnships: A Pathway Back to Your Career


In today's dynamic job market, career breaks are increasingly common. Whether it's for personal growth, family responsibilities, or health reasons, stepping away from the workforce doesn't mean the end of your career. Enter returnships—a structured pathway back to professional life. But what exactly are returnships, and how can they help you relaunch your career? Let’s explore. What is a Returnship? A...

100 Essential Resources Every Non-Profit Job Seeker Needs to Know


Finding the right resources to navigate the non-profit job market can be challenging, but with the right guidance, it becomes much easier. At NonProfits.Club, our team has meticulously curated a list of the top 100 essential resources for non-profit job seekers. These resources were selected based on their relevance, usability, and impact on career development in the non-profit sector....