How to Start a Wellness Program For Employees


Benefits are rapidly changing and getting better since the days of COVID. Health and wellness programs are becoming the standard expectation for today’s employees. So if you don’t already have one, this is the time to start one. It’s okay if you don’t know how to start a wellness program for employees. WellSteps is here to guide you. What...

The Growing Importance of Wellness and Well-being in Workplace Culture


In today's fast-paced and competitive world, employee well-being has become more crucial than ever. As companies endeavour to attract and retain top talent, they are realising that offering wellness programs and designing workplaces that prioritise employee health and happiness can give them a competitive edge. In this blog, we’ll take a look at examples of office design concepts...

"But" vs "And"


Two three--letter words: "but" and "and." In grammatical terms, they are called conjunctions. They bridge two clauses of a single sentence together. In communication (and negotiation), these words are subtle manipulators of exclusion or inclusion. Generally speaking, "but" excludes, denies, discounts or in some way rejects the previous clause. For example, the statement "she is a very productive employee...

How Employers Spend Their Summers


The unofficial summer season runs from Memorial Day through Labor Day. During this time, you will need to focus on planning for summer topics and activities. Summer is the season to implement flexible work schedules, establish a causal dress code policy, and offer internships. Summer means more vacation requests. As an employer you will have to prepare for an...

Pope Francis to miss Good Friday procession for first time since election days after leaving hospital in health scare


POPE Francis is set to miss Good Friday's late-night procession for the first time since he got elected. The 86-year-old who was recently hospitalised with a respiratory infection won't preside over Good Friday's late-night Way of the Cross event. 2 2 The Vatican said in a statement that instead of presiding over the torch-lit procession at the Colosseum, Francis will watch from...

I’m a self-made millionaire – you won’t ever save your way to being rich but there is a simple way to build wealth


A SELF-MADE millionaire has shared her simple tips for building wealth but warned you "won't ever save your way to being rich". Tess B. Jelten, a 25-year-old from Arizona, has built her fortune through social media and building her own brand as Tiktok's "rich big sister". 3 3 She shared advice on her platforms and says often people believe that cutting...

Base Jumping For Beginners: Principles of Successful Remote Team Leadership


IntroductionThis article looks at the basic considerations for any team leader/manager implementing the switch to flexible/remote working teams.Staff SuitabilityTeams which tend to fit easily into the remote worker/team mould have the following common characteristics- They are either knowledge workers or back office admin staff- They approach their work in a mature, disciplined and self motivated way.- Their work is task/project focused...

I had recurring dreams about 8 numbers & even saw them in real life – I was stunned when I used them to buy lotto ticket


A WOMAN was left stunned when she hit the lotto jackpot after dreaming of numbers - and even claims she saw them in real life. The Malaysian shop owner allegedly had repeated dreams of the winning digits before bagging over £2,900,000. 1 She revealed how she kept seeing two numbers, 3887 and 5785, not only in her sleep but also in...

Why Veteran Professors Should Have a Mentor?


Distinguished educators, who have devoted a considerable amount of time, about 10 years, instructing at their institutions, are known as veteran professors. These individuals possess extensive expertise and sagacity in their area of specialization and act as priceless assets for students seeking advice on scholarly concerns. Oftentimes, the wealth of experience they possess can lead to them feeling...

Motherhood and Virtual Assistance


Being a Mom is not an easy task. You must be available in 24/7 for your family. And while you are staying at home, you think about the future or how you can help your husband financially. There are many reasons why moms become a virtual assistant. Kathryn Alexander of and I shared some common reasons:7 Reasons to...